more from Seneca the Younger

Single Idea 13309

[catalogued under 1. Philosophy / F. Analytic Philosophy / 3. Analysis of Preconditions]

Full Idea

There's no reason for you to assume that, X being something without which Y could never have come about, Y came about as a result of the assistance of X.

Gist of Idea

That something is a necessary condition of something else doesn't mean it caused it


Seneca the Younger (Letters from a Stoic [c.60], 088)

Book Reference

Seneca: 'Letters from a Stoic (Selections)', ed/tr. Campbell,Robin [Penguin 1969], p.158

A Reaction

This thought originates with Carneades, reported by Cicero. This is a clear message to the likes of Mackie, who are in danger of thinking that giving the preconditions of something is sufficient to give its causes.

Related Idea

Idea 21675 Some facts are indispensable for an effect, and others actually necessitate the effect [Stoic school, by Cicero]