more from Sydney Shoemaker

Single Idea 15092

[catalogued under 8. Modes of Existence / B. Properties / 1. Nature of Properties]

Full Idea

My 1980 paper said properties are individuated by causal features - the contribution they make to the causal powers of things, and also how their instantiation can be caused. Collectively, these causal features are the essence of a property.

Gist of Idea

Formerly I said properties are individuated by essential causal powers and causing instantiation


report of Sydney Shoemaker (Causality and Properties [1980], I) by Sydney Shoemaker - Causal and Metaphysical Necessity

Book Reference

Shoemaker,Sydney: 'Identity, Cause and Mind' [OUP 2003], p.409

A Reaction

The later paper worries about uncertainty over individuation. The view I favour is that 'powers' is a much better term for what is basic, and this allows 'properties' to be the complex notion we use in real life, as innumberable power-combinations.