more from Robert C. Stalnaker

Single Idea 16433

[catalogued under 10. Modality / E. Possible worlds / 1. Possible Worlds / d. Possible worlds actualism]

Full Idea

My main focus is on how, on an actualist interpretation of possible worlds as ways a world might be, one is to account for the possibility that there be individuals other than those that actually exist.

Gist of Idea

Given actualism, how can there be possible individuals, other than the actual ones?


Robert C. Stalnaker (Mere Possibilities [2012], Pref)

Book Reference

Stalnaker,Robert C.: 'Mere Possibilities' [Princeton 2012], p.-6

A Reaction

The obvious thought would be that they are constructions from components of actual individuals, such as the chimaera, or fictional characters. We need some psychology here, which is not Stalnaker's style.