Ideas from 'Expositio super viii libros' by William of Ockham [1340], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Ockham's Philosophical Writings' by Ockham,William of (ed/tr Boehner,P) [Hackett 1990,0-87220-078-7]].

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11. Knowledge Aims / A. Knowledge / 1. Knowledge
Knowledge is a quality existing subjectively in the soul
                        Full Idea: Knowledge is a certain quality which exists in the soul as its subject ('existens subiective in anima').
                        From: William of Ockham (Expositio super viii libros [1340], Prologue)
                        A reaction: One might say here that knowledge is a property, and so it might not be susceptible to further analysis. It invites the question of how you could know by introspection that you have got it, which would be an extreme internalist view.
Sometimes 'knowledge' just concerns the conclusion, sometimes the whole demonstration
                        Full Idea: Sometimes 'knowledge' means evident cognition of the conclusion alone, sometimes of the demonstration as a whole.
                        From: William of Ockham (Expositio super viii libros [1340], Prologue)
                        A reaction: 'Demonstration' will be something like Greek 'logos' - full understanding, ability to explain and give reasons. William is certainly right about normal usage. I know the answer in a quiz, without any requirement for justifications.
11. Knowledge Aims / B. Certain Knowledge / 1. Certainty
Knowledge is certain cognition of something that is true
                        Full Idea: Knowledge is certain cognition of something that is true.
                        From: William of Ockham (Expositio super viii libros [1340], Prologue)
                        A reaction: This view has problems. William is not facing up to the sceptical questions which can shake any degree of certainty, and also that someone who lacked self-confidence might know many things while always feeling uncertain about them. 'Cognition' must go!