Ideas from 'Self, Body and Coincidence' by Sydney Shoemaker [1999], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Aristotelian Society' (ed/tr -) [ ,]].

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8. Modes of Existence / C. Powers and Dispositions / 5. Powers and Properties
Shoemaker moved from properties as powers to properties bestowing powers
                        Full Idea: Shoemaker ventured the theory in 1980 that properties just are clusters of powers, but he has subsequently abandoned this, and now thinks properties bestow their bearers with causal powers.
                        From: report of Sydney Shoemaker (Self, Body and Coincidence [1999], p.297) by S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum - Getting Causes from Powers 1.1
                        A reaction: Like Mumford and Anjum, I prefer the earlier theory. I think taking powers as basic is the only story that really makes sense. A power is intrinsic and primitive, whereas properties are complex, messy, partly subjective, and higher level.