Ideas from 'Logological Fragments II' by Novalis [1798], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Philosophical Writings' by Novalis (ed/tr Stoljar,M.M.) [SUNY 1997,0-7914-3272-6]].

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1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 5. Aims of Philosophy / c. Philosophy as generalisation
The highest aim of philosophy is to combine all philosophies into a unity
                        Full Idea: He attains the maximum of a philosopher who combines all philosophies into a single philosophy
                        From: Novalis (Logological Fragments II [1798], 31)
                        A reaction: I have found the epigraph for my big book! Recently a few narrowly analytical philosophers have attempted big books about everything (Sider, Heil, Chalmers), and they get a huge round of applause from me.
Philosophy relies on our whole system of learning, and can thus never be complete
                        Full Idea: Now all learning is connected - thus philosophy will never be complete. Only in the complete system of all learning will philosophy be truly visible.
                        From: Novalis (Logological Fragments II [1798], 39)
                        A reaction: Philosophy is evidently the unifying subject, which reveals the point of all the other subjects. It matches my maxim that 'science is the servant of philosophy'.
1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 5. Aims of Philosophy / d. Philosophy as puzzles
Philosophers feed on problems, hoping they are digestible, and spiced with paradox
                        Full Idea: The philosopher lives on problems as the human being does on food. An insoluble problem is an indigestible food. What spice is to food, the paradoxical is to problems.
                        From: Novalis (Logological Fragments II [1798], 09)
                        A reaction: Novalis would presumably have disliked Hegel's dialectic, where the best food seems to be the indigestible.
1. Philosophy / E. Nature of Metaphysics / 3. Metaphysical Systems
Philosophy aims to produce a priori an absolute and artistic world system
                        Full Idea: Philosophy the art of producing all our conceptions according to an absolute, artistic idea and of developing the thought of a world system a priori out of the depths of our spirit.
                        From: Novalis (Logological Fragments II [1798], 19)
                        A reaction: A lovely statement of the dream of building world systems by pure thought - embodying perfectly the view of philosophy despised by logical positivists and modern logical metaphysicians. The Novalis view will never die! I like 'artistic'.
5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 8. Logic of Mathematics
Logic (the theory of relations) should be applied to mathematics
                        Full Idea: Ought not logic, the theory of relations, be applied to mathematics?
                        From: Novalis (Logological Fragments II [1798], 38)
                        A reaction: Bolzano was 19 when his was written. I presume Novalis would have been excited by set theory (even though he was a hyper-romantic).