Ideas from 'Capital Vol. 1' by Karl Marx [1867], by Theme Structure

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24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 9. Communism
Must production determine superstructure, or could it be the other way round?
                        Full Idea: Once the 'interaction' between the superstructure and the productive forces is admitted, is it still possible to maintain that production determines the superstructure, rather than the other way round?
                        From: comment on Karl Marx (Capital Vol. 1 [1867]) by Peter Singer - Marx 7
                        A reaction: It is much harder to defend historical determinism if Singer is right about this. Modern capitalism won't admit of the sort of simple distinctions that mark was looking for.
Even decently paid workers still have their produce bought with money stolen from them
                        Full Idea: Even if the workers are paid a fair wage, the whole thing still remains the age-old activity of the conqueror, who buys commodities from the conquered with the money has has stolen from them,
                        From: Karl Marx (Capital Vol. 1 [1867], p.728), quoted by Johanna Oksala - Political Philosophy: all that matters Ch.8
                        A reaction: [Penguin edition cited] The word 'stolen' is obviously dubious here. 'Exploitation' is a much more accurate word. One might talk of 'blackmail' or 'extortion' rather than theft.