Ideas from 'Against the Mathematicians' by Sextus Empiricus [180], by Theme Structure

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13. Knowledge Criteria / B. Internal Justification / 4. Foundationalism / b. Basic beliefs
Some things are their own criterion, such as straightness, a set of scales, or light
                        Full Idea: Dogmatists say something can be its own criterion. The straight is the standard of itself, and a set of scales establishes the equality of other things and of itself, and light seems to reveal not just other things but also itself.
                        From: Sextus Empiricus (Against the Mathematicians [c.180], 442)
                        A reaction: Each of these may be a bit dubious, but deserves careful discussion.
13. Knowledge Criteria / D. Scepticism / 6. Scepticism Critique
How can sceptics show there is no criterion? Weak without, contradiction with
                        Full Idea: The dogmatists ask how the sceptic can show there is no criterion. If without a criterion, he is untrustworthy; with a criterion he is turned upside down. He says there is no criterion, but accepts a criterion to establish this.
                        From: Sextus Empiricus (Against the Mathematicians [c.180], 440)
                        A reaction: This is also the classic difficulty for foundationalist views of knowledge. Is the foundation justified, or not?