Ideas from 'works' by Samuel Alexander [1927], by Theme Structure

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7. Existence / A. Nature of Existence / 6. Criterion for Existence
To be is to have causal powers
                        Full Idea: To be is to have causal powers.
                        From: Samuel Alexander (works [1927], §4), quoted by Jaegwon Kim - Nonreductivist troubles with ment.causation
                        A reaction: This is sometimes called Alexander's Principle. It is first found in Plato, and is popular with physicalists, but there are problem cases... A thing needs to exist in order to have causal powers. To exist is more than to be perceived.
17. Mind and Body / A. Mind-Body Dualism / 6. Epiphenomenalism
Epiphenomenalism makes the mind totally pointless
                        Full Idea: Epiphenomenalism supposes something to exist in nature which has nothing to do and no purpose to serve.
                        From: Samuel Alexander (works [1927]), quoted by Jaegwon Kim - Philosophy of Mind p.129
                        A reaction: An objection, but not, I think, a strong one. The fact, for example, that sweat is shiny is the result of good evolutionary reasons, but I cannot think of any purpose which it serves. All events which are purposeful are likely to have side-effects.