Ideas from 'Personal Identity and Memory' by Sydney Shoemaker [1959], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Personal Identity' (ed/tr Perry,John) [University of California 1975,0-520-02960-7]].

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16. Persons / D. Continuity of the Self / 2. Mental Continuity / a. Memory is Self
If memory is the sole criterion of identity, we ought to use it for other people too
                        Full Idea: If memory were the sole criterion of personal identity it would have to be the sole criterion that we use in making identity statements about persons other than ourselves.
                        From: Sydney Shoemaker (Personal Identity and Memory [1959], §4)
                        A reaction: From Locke's point of view, he is much less certain about the continued identity of other people, because he allows the possibility of transference of minds. Even we might reject physical identity, if a person had suffered a severe trauma.
Bodily identity is one criterion and memory another, for personal identity
                        Full Idea: Bodily identity must be one of the criteria for personal identity (to establish that a rememberer was present at a past event), but memory itself must also be accepted as one of the criteria.
                        From: report of Sydney Shoemaker (Personal Identity and Memory [1959], §5) by PG - Db (ideas)
                        A reaction: This concerns the epistemology of personal identity, not the ontology. Someone with total amnesia would probably accept a driving licence as a criterion. Is personal identity a mental state, or a precondition which makes mental states possible?