Ideas from 'From Stimulus to Science' by Willard Quine [1995], by Theme Structure

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2. Reason / B. Laws of Thought / 3. Non-Contradiction
To affirm 'p and not-p' is to have mislearned 'and' or 'not'
                        Full Idea: To affirm a compound of the form 'p and not-p' is just to have mislearned one or both of these particles.
                        From: Willard Quine (From Stimulus to Science [1995], p.23), quoted by Robert Fogelin - Walking the Tightrope of Reason Ch.1
                        A reaction: Quoted by Fogelin. This summarises the view of logic developed by the young Wittgenstein, that logical terms are 'operators', rather than referring terms. Of course the speaker may have a compartmentalised mind, or not understand 'p' properly.