Ideas from 'Things' by E.J. Lowe [1995], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Oxford Companion to Philosophy' (ed/tr Honderich,Ted) [OUP 1995,0-19-866132-0]].

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9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 2. Abstract Objects / c. Modern abstracta
Bodies, properties, relations, events, numbers, sets and propositions are 'things' if they exist
                        Full Idea: Not only material bodies but also properties, relations, events, numbers, sets, and propositions are—if they are acknowledged as existing—to be accounted ‘things’.
                        From: E.J. Lowe (Things [1995])
                        A reaction: There might be lots of borderline cases here. Is the sky a thing? Is air a thing? How is transparency a thing? Is minus-one a thing? Is an incomplete proposition a thing? Etc.