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Single Idea 10085

[from 'Intro to Gödel's Theorems' by Peter Smith, in 5. Theory of Logic / K. Features of Logics / 8. Enumerability ]

Full Idea

The set of ordered pairs of natural numbers (i,j) is effectively enumerable, as proven by listing them in an array (across: <0,0>, <0,1>, <0,2> ..., and down: <0,0>, <1,0>, <2,0>...), and then zig-zagging.

Gist of Idea

The set of ordered pairs of natural numbers <i,j> is effectively enumerable


Peter Smith (Intro to Gödel's Theorems [2007], 02.5)

Book Reference

Smith,Peter: 'An Introduction to Gödel's Theorems' [CUP 2007], p.16