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Single Idea 13645

[from 'Foundations without Foundationalism' by Stewart Shapiro, in 5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 7. Second-Order Logic ]

Full Idea

In the standard semantics of second-order logic, by fixing a domain one thereby fixes the range of both the first-order variables and the second-order variables. There is no further 'interpreting' to be done.

Gist of Idea

In standard semantics for second-order logic, a single domain fixes the ranges for the variables


Stewart Shapiro (Foundations without Foundationalism [1991], 3.3)

Book Reference

Shapiro,Stewart: 'Foundations without Foundationalism' [OUP 1991], p.73

A Reaction

This contrasts with 'Henkin' semantics (Idea 13650), or first-order semantics, which involve more than one domain of quantification.

Related Idea

Idea 13650 Henkin semantics has separate variables ranging over the relations and over the functions [Shapiro]