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Single Idea 16203

[from 'How Things Persist' by Katherine Hawley, in 9. Objects / E. Objects over Time / 5. Temporal Parts ]

Full Idea

The first worry for Stage Theory is that many present stages are bananas, and many stages tomorrow are bananas, but this seems to omit the important fact that some of those stages are intimately linked, that certain stages are the same banana.

Gist of Idea

Stage Theory seems to miss out the link between stages of the same object


Katherine Hawley (How Things Persist [2001], 2.3)

Book Reference

Hawley,Katherine: 'How Things Persist' [OUP 2004], p.46

A Reaction

Hawley has a theory to do with external relations, which I didn't find very persuasive. Just to say stages have a 'relation' seems too abstract. Stages of disparate things can also have 'relations', but presumably the wrong sort.

Related Ideas

Idea 16204 Stage Theory says every stage is a distinct object, which gives too many objects [Hawley]

Idea 16205 The stages of Stage Theory seem too thin to populate the world, or to be referred to [Hawley]