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Single Idea 17641

[from 'Regressive Method for Premises in Mathematics' by Bertrand Russell, in 1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 5. Aims of Philosophy / e. Philosophy as reason ]

Full Idea

Any new discovery as to mathematical method and principles is likely to upset a great deal of otherwise plausible philosophising, as well as to suggest a new philosophy which will be solid in proportion as its foundations in mathematics are securely laid.

Gist of Idea

Discoveries in mathematics can challenge philosophy, and offer it a new foundation


Bertrand Russell (Regressive Method for Premises in Mathematics [1907], p.283)

Book Reference

Russell,Bertrand: 'Essays in Analysis', ed/tr. Lackey,Douglas [George Braziller 1973], p.283

A Reaction

This is a manifesto for modern analytic philosophy. I'm not convinced, especially if a fictionalist view of maths is plausible. What Russell wants is rigour, but there are other ways of getting that. Currently I favour artificial intelligence.