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Single Idea 17755

[from 'Introduction to Mathematical Logic' by Michal Walicki, in 6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 3. Nature of Numbers / e. Ordinal numbers ]

Full Idea

The collection of ordinals is defined inductively: Basis: the empty set is an ordinal; Ind: for an ordinal x, the union with its singleton is also an ordinal; and any arbitrary (possibly infinite) union of ordinals is an ordinal.

Gist of Idea

Ordinals are the empty set, union with the singleton, and any arbitrary union of ordinals


Michal Walicki (Introduction to Mathematical Logic [2012], 2.3)

Book Reference

Walicki,Michal: 'Introduction to Mathematical Logic' [World Scientific 2012], p.88

A Reaction

[symbolism translated into English] Walicki says they are called 'ordinal numbers', but are in fact a set.

Related Idea

Idea 17756 The union of finite ordinals is the first 'limit ordinal'; 2ω is the second... [Walicki]