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Single Idea 19054

[from 'The philosophical basis of intuitionist logic' by Michael Dummett, in 19. Language / A. Nature of Meaning / 6. Meaning as Use ]

Full Idea

If use constitutes meaning, it might seem that use is beyond criticism. ....But such an attitude can, ultimately, be supported onlly by the adoption of a holistic view of language.

Gist of Idea

Meaning as use puts use beyond criticism, and needs a holistic view of language


Michael Dummett (The philosophical basis of intuitionist logic [1973], p.218)

Book Reference

Dummett,Michael: 'Truth and Other Enigmas' [Duckworth 1978], p.218

A Reaction

Dummett goes on to say that the rejection of the holistic view of mathematical meaning leads to his preference for intuitionistic logic.