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Single Idea 21844

[from 'A Conversation: what is it? What is it for?' by Gilles Deleuze, in 1. Philosophy / C. History of Philosophy / 1. History of Philosophy ]

Full Idea

The history of philosophy has always been the agent of power in philosophy, and even in thought. It has played the oppressor's role: how can you think without having read Plato, Descartes, Kant and Heidegger.

Gist of Idea

The history of philosophy is an agent of power: how can you think if you haven't read the great names?


Gilles Deleuze (A Conversation: what is it? What is it for? [1977], I)

Book Reference

Deleuze,Gilles: 'Dialogues II' [Continuum 2006], p.10

A Reaction

I find it hard to relate to this French 1960s obsession with everybody being oppressed in every conceivable way, so that 'liberation' is the only value that matters. If you ask why liberty is needed, you seem to have missed the point.