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Single Idea 6433

[from 'My Philosophical Development' by Bertrand Russell, in 17. Mind and Body / B. Behaviourism / 4. Behaviourism Critique ]

Full Idea

Behaviourists refuse to admit images because they cannot be observed from without, but this causes them difficulties when they attempt to explain either memory or imagination.

Gist of Idea

Behaviourists struggle to explain memory and imagination, because they won't admit images


Bertrand Russell (My Philosophical Development [1959], Ch.13)

Book Reference

Russell,Bertrand: 'My Philosophical Development' [Routledge 1993], p.111

A Reaction

This is a striking objection to behaviourism, and it is rarely mentioned in modern discussions of the topic. They might try denying the existence of private 'images', but that wouldn't be very plausible.