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Single Idea 6779

[from 'Philosophy of Science' by Alexander Bird, in 1. Philosophy / G. Scientific Philosophy / 1. Aims of Science ]

Full Idea

Instrumentalists treat the theoretical/non-theoretical and the observational/non-observational distinctions as the same, ..because they think words get their meaning by way of ostensive definition.


Things are 'ostensively' defined by pointing to them

Gist of Idea

Instrumentalists say distinctions between observation and theory vanish with ostensive definition


Alexander Bird (Philosophy of Science [1998], Ch.4)

Book Reference

Bird,Alexander: 'Philosophy of Science' [UCL Press 2000], p.130

A Reaction

To be honest, I'm not sure I quite understand this, but it sounds interesting... Ostensive definition seems to match the pragmatic spirit of instrumentalism (for which, see Idea 6778). Bird explains it all more fully.

Related Idea

Idea 6778 Instrumentalists regard theories as tools for prediction, with truth being irrelevant [Bird]