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Single Idea 8303

[from 'The Possibility of Metaphysics' by E.J. Lowe, in 9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 5. Individuation / b. Individuation by properties ]

Full Idea

Criteria of identity never unambiguously determine the kind of objects to which they apply, since many different types of objects can be governed by the same criteria. Cats and dogs share the criterion of identity for animals in general.

Gist of Idea

Criteria of identity cannot individuate objects, because they are shared among different types


E.J. Lowe (The Possibility of Metaphysics [1998], 10.3)

Book Reference

Lowe,E.J.: 'The Possibility of Metaphysics' [OUP 2001], p.215

A Reaction

So how do you individuate the type of an object? You could identify 'the thing I dug up yesterday' without being able to individuate it. You can individuate 'the cleverest person in Britain' without being able to identify them.