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Single Idea 8463

[from 'The Scope and Language of Science' by Willard Quine, in 6. Mathematics / B. Foundations for Mathematics / 6. Mathematics as Set Theory / a. Mathematics is set theory ]

Full Idea

Researches in the foundations of mathematics have made it clear that all of (interpreted) mathematics can be got down to logic and set theory, and the objects needed for mathematics can be got down to the category of classes (and classes of classes..).

Gist of Idea

Maths can be reduced to logic and set theory


Willard Quine (The Scope and Language of Science [1954], §VI)

Book Reference

Quine,Willard: 'Ways of Paradox and other essays' [Harvard 1976], p.244

A Reaction

This I take to be a retreat from pure logicism, presumably influenced by Gödel. So can set theory be reduced to logic? Crispin Wright is the one the study.