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Ideas for 'fragments/reports', 'Twilight of the Idols' and 'Intermediate Logic'

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5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 6. Classical Logic
Truth is the basic notion in classical logic [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The most fundamental notion in classical logic is that of truth.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 1.1)
     A reaction: The opening sentence of his book. Hence the first half of the book is about semantics, and only the second half deals with proof. Compare Idea 10282. The thought seems to be that you could leave out truth, but that makes logic pointless.
Elementary logic cannot distinguish clearly between the finite and the infinite [Bostock]
     Full Idea: In very general terms, we cannot express the distinction between what is finite and what is infinite without moving essentially beyond the resources available in elementary logic.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.8)
     A reaction: This observation concludes a discussion of Compactness in logic.
Fictional characters wreck elementary logic, as they have contradictions and no excluded middle [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Discourse about fictional characters leads to a breakdown of elementary logic. We accept P or ¬P if the relevant story says so, but P∨¬P will not be true if the relevant story says nothing either way, and P∧¬P is true if the story is inconsistent.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.5)
     A reaction: I really like this. Does one need to invent a completely new logic for fictional characters? Or must their logic be intuitionist, or paraconsistent, or both?
5. Theory of Logic / B. Logical Consequence / 3. Deductive Consequence |-
The syntactic turnstile |- φ means 'there is a proof of φ' or 'φ is a theorem' [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The syntactic turnstile |- φ means 'There is a proof of φ' (in the system currently being considered). Another way of saying the same thing is 'φ is a theorem'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.1)
5. Theory of Logic / B. Logical Consequence / 4. Semantic Consequence |=
Γ|=φ is 'entails'; Γ|= is 'is inconsistent'; |=φ is 'valid' [Bostock]
     Full Idea: If we write Γ |= φ, with one formula to the right, then the turnstile abbreviates 'entails'. For a sequent of the form Γ |= it can be read as 'is inconsistent'. For |= φ we read it as 'valid'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 1.3)
Validity is a conclusion following for premises, even if there is no proof [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The classical definition of validity counts an argument as valid if and only if the conclusion does in fact follow from the premises, whether or not the argument contains any demonstration of this fact.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 1.2)
     A reaction: Hence validity is given by |= rather than by |-. A common example is 'it is red so it is coloured', which seems true but beyond proof. In the absence of formal proof, you wonder whether validity is merely a psychological notion.
It seems more natural to express |= as 'therefore', rather than 'entails' [Bostock]
     Full Idea: In practice we avoid quotation marks and explicitly set-theoretic notation that explaining |= as 'entails' appears to demand. Hence it seems more natural to explain |= as simply representing the word 'therefore'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 1.3)
     A reaction: Not sure I quite understand that, but I have trained myself to say 'therefore' for the generic use of |=. In other consequences it seems better to read it as 'semantic consequence', to distinguish it from |-.
5. Theory of Logic / B. Logical Consequence / 5. Modus Ponens
MPP: 'If Γ|=φ and Γ|=φ→ψ then Γ|=ψ' (omit Γs for Detachment) [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The Rule of Detachment is a version of Modus Ponens, and says 'If |=φ and |=φ→ψ then |=ψ'. This has no assumptions. Modus Ponens is the more general rule that 'If Γ|=φ and Γ|=φ→ψ then Γ|=ψ'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.3)
     A reaction: Modus Ponens is actually designed for use in proof based on assumptions (which isn't always the case). In Detachment the formulae are just valid, without dependence on assumptions to support them.
MPP is a converse of Deduction: If Γ |- φ→ψ then Γ,φ|-ψ [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Modus Ponens is equivalent to the converse of the Deduction Theorem, namely 'If Γ |- φ→ψ then Γ,φ|-ψ'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.3)
     A reaction: See 13615 for details of the Deduction Theorem. See 13614 for Modus Ponens.
5. Theory of Logic / D. Assumptions for Logic / 4. Identity in Logic
|= α=α and α=β |= φ(α/ξ ↔ φ(β/ξ) fix identity [Bostock]
     Full Idea: We usually take these two principles together as the basic principles of identity: |= α=α and α=β |= φ(α/ξ) ↔ φ(β/ξ). The second (with scant regard for history) is known as Leibniz's Law.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.1)
If we are to express that there at least two things, we need identity [Bostock]
     Full Idea: To say that there is at least one thing x such that Fx we need only use an existential quantifier, but to say that there are at least two things we need identity as well.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.1)
     A reaction: The only clear account I've found of why logic may need to be 'with identity'. Without it, you can only reason about one thing or all things. Presumably plural quantification no longer requires '='?
The sign '=' is a two-place predicate expressing that 'a is the same thing as b' (a=b) [Bostock]
     Full Idea: We shall use 'a=b' as short for 'a is the same thing as b'. The sign '=' thus expresses a particular two-place predicate. Officially we will use 'I' as the identity predicate, so that 'Iab' is as formula, but we normally 'abbreviate' this to 'a=b'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.1)
5. Theory of Logic / E. Structures of Logic / 2. Logical Connectives / a. Logical connectives
Truth-functors are usually held to be defined by their truth-tables [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The usual view of the meaning of truth-functors is that each is defined by its own truth-table, independently of any other truth-functor.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 2.7)
5. Theory of Logic / E. Structures of Logic / 5. Functions in Logic
A 'zero-place' function just has a single value, so it is a name [Bostock]
     Full Idea: We can talk of a 'zero-place' function, which is a new-fangled name for a familiar item; it just has a single value, and so it has the same role as a name.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.2)
A 'total' function ranges over the whole domain, a 'partial' function over appropriate inputs [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Usually we allow that a function is defined for arguments of a suitable kind (a 'partial' function), but we can say that each function has one value for any object whatever, from the whole domain that our quantifiers range over (a 'total' function).
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.2)
     A reaction: He points out (p.338) that 'the father of..' is a functional expression, but it wouldn't normally take stones as input, so seems to be a partial function. But then it doesn't even take all male humans either. It only takes fathers!
5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 1. Naming / a. Names
In logic, a name is just any expression which refers to a particular single object [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The important thing about a name, for logical purposes, is that it is used to make a singular reference to a particular object; ..we say that any expression too may be counted as a name, for our purposes, it it too performs the same job.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 3.1)
     A reaction: He cites definite descriptions as the most notoriously difficult case, in deciding whether or not they function as names. I takes it as pretty obvious that sometimes they do and sometimes they don't (in ordinary usage).
5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 1. Naming / e. Empty names
An expression is only a name if it succeeds in referring to a real object [Bostock]
     Full Idea: An expression is not counted as a name unless it succeeds in referring to an object, i.e. unless there really is an object to which it refers.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 3.1)
     A reaction: His 'i.e.' makes the existence condition sound sufficient, but in ordinary language you don't succeed in referring to 'that man over there' just because he exists. In modal contexts we presumably refer to hypothetical objects (pace Lewis).
5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 2. Descriptions / b. Definite descriptions
Definite descriptions don't always pick out one thing, as in denials of existence, or errors [Bostock]
     Full Idea: It is natural to suppose one only uses a definite description when one believes it describes only one thing, but exceptions are 'there is no such thing as the greatest prime number', or saying something false where the reference doesn't occur.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.3)
Definite desciptions resemble names, but can't actually be names, if they don't always refer [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Although a definite description looks like a complex name, and in many ways behaves like a name, still it cannot be a name if names must always refer to objects. Russell gave the first proposal for handling such expressions.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.3)
     A reaction: I take the simple solution to be a pragmatic one, as roughly shown by Donnellan, that sometimes they are used exactly like names, and sometimes as something else. The same phrase can have both roles. Confusing for logicians. Tough.
Because of scope problems, definite descriptions are best treated as quantifiers [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Because of the scope problem, it now seems better to 'parse' definition descriptions not as names but as quantifiers. 'The' is to be treated in the same category as acknowledged quantifiers like 'all' and 'some'. We write Ix - 'for the x such that..'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.3)
     A reaction: This seems intuitively rather good, since quantification in normal speech is much more sophisticated than the crude quantification of classical logic. But the fact is that they often function as names (but see Idea 13817).
Definite descriptions are usually treated like names, and are just like them if they uniquely refer [Bostock]
     Full Idea: In practice, definite descriptions are for the most part treated as names, since this is by far the most convenient notation (even though they have scope). ..When a description is uniquely satisfied then it does behave like a name.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.3)
     A reaction: Apparent names themselves have problems when they wander away from uniquely picking out one thing, as in 'John Doe'.
We are only obliged to treat definite descriptions as non-names if only the former have scope [Bostock]
     Full Idea: If it is really true that definite descriptions have scopes whereas names do not, then Russell must be right to claim that definite descriptions are not names. If, however, this is not true, then it does no harm to treat descriptions as complex names.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.8)
5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 2. Descriptions / c. Theory of definite descriptions
Names do not have scope problems (e.g. in placing negation), but Russell's account does have that problem [Bostock]
     Full Idea: In orthodox logic names are not regarded as having scope (for example, in where a negation is placed), whereas on Russell's theory definite descriptions certainly do. Russell had his own way of dealing with this.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.3)
5. Theory of Logic / G. Quantification / 1. Quantification
'Prenex normal form' is all quantifiers at the beginning, out of the scope of truth-functors [Bostock]
     Full Idea: A formula is said to be in 'prenex normal form' (PNF) iff all its quantifiers occur in a block at the beginning, so that no quantifier is in the scope of any truth-functor.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 3.7)
     A reaction: Bostock provides six equivalences which can be applied to manouevre any formula into prenex normal form. He proves that every formula can be arranged in PNF.
5. Theory of Logic / G. Quantification / 2. Domain of Quantification
If we allow empty domains, we must allow empty names [Bostock]
     Full Idea: We can show that if empty domains are permitted, then empty names must be permitted too.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.4)
5. Theory of Logic / H. Proof Systems / 1. Proof Systems
An 'informal proof' is in no particular system, and uses obvious steps and some ordinary English [Bostock]
     Full Idea: An 'informal proof' is not in any particular proof system. One may use any rule of proof that is 'sufficiently obvious', and there is quite a lot of ordinary English in the proof, explaining what is going on at each step.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.1)
5. Theory of Logic / H. Proof Systems / 2. Axiomatic Proof
Quantification adds two axiom-schemas and a new rule [Bostock]
     Full Idea: New axiom-schemas for quantifiers: (A4) |-∀ξφ → φ(α/ξ), (A5) |-∀ξ(ψ→φ) → (ψ→∀ξφ), plus the rule GEN: If |-φ the |-∀ξφ(ξ/α).
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.6)
     A reaction: This follows on from Idea 13610, where he laid out his three axioms and one rule for propositional (truth-functional) logic. This Idea plus 13610 make Bostock's proposed axiomatisation of first-order logic.
Axiom systems from Frege, Russell, Church, Lukasiewicz, Tarski, Nicod, Kleene, Quine... [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Notably axiomatisations of first-order logic are by Frege (1879), Russell and Whitehead (1910), Church (1956), Lukasiewicz and Tarski (1930), Lukasiewicz (1936), Nicod (1917), Kleene (1952) and Quine (1951). Also Bostock (1997).
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.8)
     A reaction: My summary, from Bostock's appendix 5.8, which gives details of all of these nine systems. This nicely illustrates the status and nature of axiom systems, which have lost the absolute status they seemed to have in Euclid.
5. Theory of Logic / H. Proof Systems / 3. Proof from Assumptions
'Conditonalised' inferences point to the Deduction Theorem: If Γ,φ|-ψ then Γ|-φ→ψ [Bostock]
     Full Idea: If a group of formulae prove a conclusion, we can 'conditionalize' this into a chain of separate inferences, which leads to the Deduction Theorem (or Conditional Proof), that 'If Γ,φ|-ψ then Γ|-φ→ψ'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.3)
     A reaction: This is the rule CP (Conditional Proof) which can be found in the rules for propositional logic I transcribed from Lemmon's book.
Proof by Assumptions can always be reduced to Proof by Axioms, using the Deduction Theorem [Bostock]
     Full Idea: By repeated transformations using the Deduction Theorem, any proof from assumptions can be transformed into a fully conditionalized proof, which is then an axiomatic proof.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.6)
     A reaction: Since proof using assumptions is perhaps the most standard proof system (e.g. used in Lemmon, for many years the standard book at Oxford University), the Deduction Theorem is crucial for giving it solid foundations.
The Deduction Theorem and Reductio can 'discharge' assumptions - they aren't needed for the new truth [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Like the Deduction Theorem, one form of Reductio ad Absurdum (If Γ,φ|-[absurdity] then Γ|-¬φ) 'discharges' an assumption. Assume φ and obtain a contradiction, then we know ¬&phi, without assuming φ.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.7)
     A reaction: Thus proofs from assumption either arrive at conditional truths, or at truths that are true irrespective of what was initially assumed.
The Deduction Theorem greatly simplifies the search for proof [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Use of the Deduction Theorem greatly simplifies the search for proof (or more strictly, the task of showing that there is a proof).
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.3)
     A reaction: See 13615 for details of the Deduction Theorem. Bostock is referring to axiomatic proof, where it can be quite hard to decide which axioms are relevant. The Deduction Theorem enables the making of assumptions.
5. Theory of Logic / H. Proof Systems / 4. Natural Deduction
Natural deduction takes proof from assumptions (with its rules) as basic, and axioms play no part [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Natural deduction takes the notion of proof from assumptions as a basic notion, it will use rules for use in proofs from assumptions, and axioms (as traditionally understood) will have no role to play.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 6.1)
     A reaction: The main rules are those for introduction and elimination of truth functors.
In natural deduction we work from the premisses and the conclusion, hoping to meet in the middle [Bostock]
     Full Idea: When looking for a proof of a sequent, the best we can do in natural deduction is to work simultaneously in both directions, forward from the premisses, and back from the conclusion, and hope they will meet in the middle.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 6.5)
Excluded middle is an introduction rule for negation, and ex falso quodlibet will eliminate it [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Many books take RAA (reductio) and DNE (double neg) as the natural deduction introduction- and elimination-rules for negation, but RAA is not a natural introduction rule. I prefer TND (tertium) and EFQ (ex falso) for ¬-introduction and -elimination.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 6.2)
Natural deduction rules for → are the Deduction Theorem (→I) and Modus Ponens (→E) [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Natural deduction adopts for → as rules the Deduction Theorem and Modus Ponens, here called →I and →E. If ψ follows φ in the proof, we can write φ→ψ (→I). φ and φ→ψ permit ψ (→E).
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 6.2)
     A reaction: Natural deduction has this neat and appealing way of formally introducing or eliminating each connective, so that you know where you are, and you know what each one means.
5. Theory of Logic / H. Proof Systems / 5. Tableau Proof
Tableau proofs use reduction - seeking an impossible consequence from an assumption [Bostock]
     Full Idea: A tableau proof is a proof by reduction ad absurdum. One begins with an assumption, and one develops the consequences of that assumption, seeking to derive an impossible consequence.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.1)
A completed open branch gives an interpretation which verifies those formulae [Bostock]
     Full Idea: An open branch in a completed tableau will always yield an interpretation that verifies every formula on the branch.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.7)
     A reaction: In other words the open branch shows a model which seems to work (on the available information). Similarly a closed branch gives a model which won't work - a counterexample.
Non-branching rules add lines, and branching rules need a split; a branch with a contradiction is 'closed' [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Rules for semantic tableaus are of two kinds - non-branching rules and branching rules. The first allow the addition of further lines, and the second requires splitting the branch. A branch which assigns contradictory values to a formula is 'closed'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.1)
     A reaction: [compressed] Thus 'and' stays on one branch, asserting both formulae, but 'or' splits, checking first one and then the other. A proof succeeds when all the branches are closed, showing that the initial assumption leads only to contradictions.
Unlike natural deduction, semantic tableaux have recipes for proving things [Bostock]
     Full Idea: With semantic tableaux there are recipes for proof-construction that we can operate, whereas with natural deduction there are not.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 6.5)
A tree proof becomes too broad if its only rule is Modus Ponens [Bostock]
     Full Idea: When the only rule of inference is Modus Ponens, the branches of a tree proof soon spread too wide for comfort.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 6.4)
In a tableau proof no sequence is established until the final branch is closed; hypotheses are explored [Bostock]
     Full Idea: In a tableau system no sequent is established until the final step of the proof, when the last branch closes, and until then we are simply exploring a hypothesis.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 7.3)
     A reaction: This compares sharply with a sequence calculus, where every single step is a conclusive proof of something. So use tableaux for exploring proofs, and then sequence calculi for writing them up?
Tableau rules are all elimination rules, gradually shortening formulae [Bostock]
     Full Idea: In their original setting, all the tableau rules are elimination rules, allowing us to replace a longer formula by its shorter components.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 7.3)
5. Theory of Logic / H. Proof Systems / 6. Sequent Calculi
Each line of a sequent calculus is a conclusion of previous lines, each one explicitly recorded [Bostock]
     Full Idea: A sequent calculus keeps an explicit record of just what sequent is established at each point in a proof. Every line is itself the sequent proved at that point. It is not a linear sequence or array of formulae, but a matching array of whole sequents.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 7.1)
A sequent calculus is good for comparing proof systems [Bostock]
     Full Idea: A sequent calculus is a useful tool for comparing two systems that at first look utterly different (such as natural deduction and semantic tableaux).
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 7.2)
5. Theory of Logic / I. Semantics of Logic / 1. Semantics of Logic
Interpretation by assigning objects to names, or assigning them to variables first [Bostock, by PG]
     Full Idea: There are two approaches to an 'interpretation' of a logic: the first method assigns objects to names, and then defines connectives and quantifiers, focusing on truth; the second assigns objects to variables, then variables to names, using satisfaction.
     From: report of David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 3.4) by PG - Db (lexicon)
     A reaction: [a summary of nine elusive pages in Bostock] He says he prefers the first method, but the second method is more popular because it handles open formulas, by treating free variables as if they were names.
5. Theory of Logic / I. Semantics of Logic / 5. Extensionalism
Extensionality is built into ordinary logic semantics; names have objects, predicates have sets of objects [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Extensionality is built into the semantics of ordinary logic. When a name-letter is interpreted as denoting something, we just provide the object denoted. All that we provide for a one-place predicate-letter is the set of objects that it is true of..
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997])
     A reaction: Could we keep the syntax of ordinary logic, and provide a wildly different semantics, much closer to real life? We could give up these dreadful 'objects' that Frege lumbered us with. Logic for processes, etc.
If an object has two names, truth is undisturbed if the names are swapped; this is Extensionality [Bostock]
     Full Idea: If two names refer to the same object, then in any proposition which contains either of them the other may be substituted in its place, and the truth-value of the proposition of the proposition will be unaltered. This is the Principle of Extensionality.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 3.1)
     A reaction: He acknowledges that ordinary language is full of counterexamples, such as 'he doesn't know the Morning Star and the Evening Star are the same body' (when he presumably knows that the Morning Star is the Morning Star). This is logic. Like maths.
5. Theory of Logic / K. Features of Logics / 2. Consistency
A proof-system is 'absolutely consistent' iff we don't have |-(S)φ for every formula [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Any system of proof S is said to be 'absolutely consistent' iff it is not the case that for every formula we have |-(S)φ.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.5)
     A reaction: Bostock notes that a sound system will be both 'negation-consistent' (Idea 13541) and absolutely consistent. 'Tonk' systems can be shown to be unsound because the two come apart.
A set of formulae is 'inconsistent' when there is no interpretation which can make them all true [Bostock]
     Full Idea: 'Γ |=' means 'Γ is a set of closed formulae, and there is no (standard) interpretation in which all of the formulae in Γ are true'. We abbreviate this last to 'Γ is inconsistent'.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.5)
     A reaction: This is a semantic approach to inconsistency, in terms of truth, as opposed to saying that we cannot prove both p and ¬p. I take this to be closer to the true concept, since you need never have heard of 'proof' to understand 'inconsistent'.
For 'negation-consistent', there is never |-(S)φ and |-(S)¬φ [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Any system of proof S is said to be 'negation-consistent' iff there is no formula such that |-(S)φ and |-(S)¬φ.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.5)
     A reaction: Compare Idea 13542. This version seems to be a 'strong' version, as it demands a higher standard than 'absolute consistency'. Both halves of the condition would have to be established.
5. Theory of Logic / K. Features of Logics / 6. Compactness
Inconsistency or entailment just from functors and quantifiers is finitely based, if compact [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Being 'compact' means that if we have an inconsistency or an entailment which holds just because of the truth-functors and quantifiers involved, then it is always due to a finite number of the propositions in question.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.8)
     A reaction: Bostock says this is surprising, given the examples 'a is not a parent of a parent of b...' etc, where an infinity seems to establish 'a is not an ancestor of b'. The point, though, is that this truth doesn't just depend on truth-functors and quantifiers.
Compactness means an infinity of sequents on the left will add nothing new [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The logic of truth-functions is compact, which means that sequents with infinitely many formulae on the left introduce nothing new. Hence we can confine our attention to finite sequents.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 5.5)
     A reaction: This makes it clear why compactness is a limitation in logic. If you want the logic to be unlimited in scope, it isn't; it only proves things from finite numbers of sequents. This makes it easier to prove completeness for the system.