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All the ideas for 'works', 'The Scientific Image' and 'Political Ideals'

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46 ideas

1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 1. Philosophy
Derrida focuses on other philosophers, rather than on science [Derrida]
     Full Idea: We should focus on other philosophers, and not on science.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 3. Philosophy Defined
Philosophy is just a linguistic display [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Philosophy is entirely linguistic, and is a display.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 5. Aims of Philosophy / e. Philosophy as reason
Philosophy aims to build foundations for thought [Derrida, by May]
     Full Idea: Derrida points out that the project of philosophy consists largely in attempting to build foundations for thought.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Todd May - Gilles Deleuze 1.04
     A reaction: You would first need to be convinced that there could be such a thing as foundations for thinking. Derrida thinks the project is hopeless. I think of it more as building an ideal framework for thought.
1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 7. Despair over Philosophy
Philosophy is necessarily metaphorical, and its writing is aesthetic [Derrida]
     Full Idea: All of philosophy is necessarily metaphorical, and hence aesthetic.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
1. Philosophy / H. Continental Philosophy / 3. Hermeneutics
Interpretations can be interpreted, so there is no original 'meaning' available [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Because interpretations of texts can be interpreted, they can therefore have no 'original meaning'.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
Hermeneutics blunts truth, by conforming it to the interpreter [Derrida, by Zimmermann,J]
     Full Idea: Derrida worried that hermeneutics blunts the disruptive power of truth by forcing it conform to the interpreter's mental horizon.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Jens Zimmermann - Hermeneutics: a very short introduction 3 'The heart'
     A reaction: Good heavens - I agree with Derrida. Very French, though, to see the value of truth in its disruptiveness. I tend to find the truth reassuring, but then I'm English.
Hermeneutics is hostile, trying to overcome the other person's difference [Derrida, by Zimmermann,J]
     Full Idea: Derrida described the hermeneutic impulse to understand another as a form of violence that seeks to overcome the other's particularity and unique difference.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Jens Zimmermann - Hermeneutics: a very short introduction App 'Derrida'
     A reaction: I'm not sure about 'violence', but Derrida was on to somethng here. The 'hermeneutic circle' sounds like a creepy process of absorption, where the original writer disappears in a whirlpool of interpretation.
1. Philosophy / H. Continental Philosophy / 4. Linguistic Structuralism
Structuralism destroys awareness of dynamic meaning [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Structuralism destroys awareness of dynamic meaning.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
1. Philosophy / H. Continental Philosophy / 6. Deconstruction
We aim to explore the limits of expression (as in Mallarmé's poetry) [Derrida]
     Full Idea: The aim is to explore the limits of expression (which is what makes the poetry of Mallarmé so important).
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
Sincerity can't be verified, so fiction infuses speech, and hence reality also [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Sincerity can never be verified, so fiction infuses all speech, which means that reality is also fictional.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
The idea of being as persistent presence, and meaning as conscious intelligibility, are self-destructive [Derrida, by Glendinning]
     Full Idea: The tradition of conceiving being in terms of persisting presence, and meaning in terms of pure intelligibility or logos potentially present to the mind, finds itself dismantled by resources internal to its own construction.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Simon Glendinning - Derrida: A Very Short Introduction 6
     A reaction: [compressed] Glendinning says this is the basic meaning of de-construction. My personal reading of this is that Aristotle is right, and grand talk of Being is hopeless, so we should just aim to understand objects. I also believe in propositions.
Sentences are contradictory, as they have opposite meanings in some contexts [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Sentences are implicitly contradictory, because they can be used differently in different contexts (most obviously in 'I am ill').
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
3. Truth / A. Truth Problems / 9. Rejecting Truth
Derrida says that all truth-talk is merely metaphor [Derrida, by Engel]
     Full Idea: Derrida's view is that every discourse is metaphorical, and there is no difference between truth-talk and metaphor.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Pascal Engel - Truth §2.5
     A reaction: Right. Note that this is a Frenchman's summary. How would one define metaphor, without mentioning that it is parasitic on truth? Certainly some language tries to be metaphor, and other language tries not to be.
True thoughts are inaccessible, in the subconscious, prior to speech or writing [Derrida]
     Full Idea: 'True' thoughts are inaccessible, buried in the subconscious, long before they get to speech or writing.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
     A reaction: [My reading of some Derrida produced no quotations. I've read two commentaries, which were obscure. The Derrida ideas in this db are my simplistic tertiary summaries. Experts can chuckle over my failure]
5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 5. First-Order Logic
Theoretical and practical politics are both concerned with the best lives for individuals [Russell]
     Full Idea: Political ideals must be based upon ideals for the individual life. The aim of politics should be to make the lives of individuals as good as possible.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: Russell floats between socialism and anarchism, but this foundational remark is classic liberalism.
5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 1. Naming / b. Names as descriptive
'I' is the perfect name, because it denotes without description [Derrida]
     Full Idea: 'I' is the perfect name, because it denotes without description.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
Names have a subjective aspect, especially the role of our own name [Derrida]
     Full Idea: We can give a subjective account of names, by considering our own name.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 1. Naming / c. Names as referential
Even Kripke can't explain names; the word is the thing, and the thing is the word [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Even Kripke can't explain names, because the word is the thing, and also the thing is the word.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
10. Modality / A. Necessity / 11. Denial of Necessity
Empiricists deny what is unobservable, and reject objective modality [Fraassen]
     Full Idea: To be an empiricist is to withhold belief in anything that goes beyond the actual, observable phenomena, and to recognise no objective modality in nature.
     From: Bas C. van Fraassen (The Scientific Image [1980], p.202), quoted by J Ladyman / D Ross - Every Thing Must Go 2.3.1
     A reaction: To only believe in what is actually observable strikes me as ridiculous. It might be, though, that we observe modality, in observing dispositions. If you pull back a bowstring, you feel the possibilities.
11. Knowledge Aims / A. Knowledge / 4. Belief / c. Aim of beliefs
To 'accept' a theory is not to believe it, but to believe it empirically adequate [Fraassen, by Bird]
     Full Idea: To 'accept' a theory is not to believe it, but is instead to believe it to be empirically adequate.
     From: report of Bas C. van Fraassen (The Scientific Image [1980]) by Alexander Bird - Philosophy of Science Ch.4
     A reaction: The second half of this doesn't avoid the word 'belief'. Nevertheless the suggestion is that we never believe (i.e. commit to truth) ever again. So you avoid an on-coming bus because the threat appears to be 'empirically adequate'. Hm.
14. Science / B. Scientific Theories / 2. Aim of Science
To accept a scientific theory, we only need to believe that it is empirically adequate [Fraassen]
     Full Idea: Science aims to give us theories which are empirically adequate; and acceptance of a theory involves as belief only that it is empiricially adequate.
     From: Bas C. van Fraassen (The Scientific Image [1980], p.12), quoted by J Ladyman / D Ross - Every Thing Must Go 2.3.1
     A reaction: This won't tell us what to do if there is a tie between two theories, and we will want to know the criteria for 'adequate'. Presumably there are theories which are empirically quite good, but not yet acceptable. Theories commit beyond experience.
14. Science / D. Explanation / 3. Best Explanation / c. Against best explanation
Why should the true explanation be one of the few we have actually thought of? [Fraassen, by Bird]
     Full Idea: Van Fraassen asks why we should think that the actual explanation of the evidence should be found among the theories we are considering, when there must be an infinity of theories which are also potential explanations of the evidence?
     From: report of Bas C. van Fraassen (The Scientific Image [1980]) by Alexander Bird - Philosophy of Science Ch.4
     A reaction: This has become one of the leading modern anti-realist arguments. We must introduce an element of faith here; presumably evolution makes us experts on immediate puzzles, competent on intermediate ones, and hopeful on remote ones.
14. Science / D. Explanation / 4. Explanation Doubts / a. Explanation as pragmatic
An explanation is just descriptive information answering a particular question [Fraassen, by Salmon]
     Full Idea: On van Fraassen's theory an explanation is simply an answer to a why-question; it is nothing other than descriptive information that, in a given context, answers a particular type of question.
     From: report of Bas C. van Fraassen (The Scientific Image [1980]) by Wesley Salmon - Four Decades of Scientific Explanation 4.3
     A reaction: Presumably we would need some sort of criterion for a 'good' explanation, and it seems to me that a very good explanation might be given which was nevertheless beyond the grasp of the questioner.
15. Nature of Minds / B. Features of Minds / 1. Consciousness / b. Essence of consciousness
Heidegger showed that passing time is the key to consciousness [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Heidegger showed us the importance of transient time for consciousness.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
18. Thought / A. Modes of Thought / 1. Thought
'Tacit theory' controls our thinking (which is why Freud is important) [Derrida]
     Full Idea: All thought is controlled by tacit theory (which is why Freud is so important).
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
     A reaction: This idea is said to be the essential thought of Derrida's Deconstruction. The aim is liberation of thought, by identifying and bypassing these tacit metaphysical schemas.
19. Language / A. Nature of Meaning / 1. Meaning
Meanings depend on differences and contrasts [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Meaning depends on 'differences' (contrasts).
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
For Aristotle all proper nouns must have a single sense, which is the purpose of language [Derrida]
     Full Idea: A noun [for Aristotle] is proper when it has but a single sense. Better, it is only in this case that it is properly a noun. Univocity is the essence, or better, the telos of language.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Simon Glendinning - Derrida: A Very Short Introduction 5
     A reaction: [no ref given] His target seem to be Aristotelian definition, and also formal logic, which usually needs unambiguous meanings. {I'm puzzled that he thinks 'telos' is simply better than 'essence', since it is quite different].
Capacity for repetitions is the hallmark of language [Derrida]
     Full Idea: The capacity for repetitions is the hallmark of language.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
The sign is only conceivable as a movement between elusive presences [Derrida]
     Full Idea: The sign is conceivable only on the basis of the presence that it defers, and moving toward the deferred presence that it aims to reappropriate.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Simon Glendinning - Derrida: A Very Short Introduction 6
     A reaction: [Glendinning gives no source for this] I take the fundamental idea to be that meanings are dynamic, when they are traditionally understood as static (and specifiable in dictionaries).
Writing functions even if the sender or the receiver are absent [Derrida, by Glendinning]
     Full Idea: Writing can and must be able to do without the presence of the sender. ...Also writing can and must he able to do without the presence of the receiver.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Simon Glendinning - Derrida: A Very Short Introduction 6
     A reaction: In simple terms, one of them could die during the transmission. This is the grounds for the assertion of the primacy of writing. It opposes orthodox views which define language in terms of sender and receiver.
Madness and instability ('the demonic hyperbole') lurks in all language [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Madness and instability ('the demonic hyperbole') lurks behind all language.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
19. Language / A. Nature of Meaning / 9. Ambiguity
'Dissemination' is opposed to polysemia, since that is irreducible, because of multiple understandings [Derrida, by Glendinning]
     Full Idea: The intention to oppose polysemia with dissemination does not aim to affirm that everything we say is ambiguous, but that polysemia is irreducible in the sense that each and every 'meaning' is itself subject to more than one understanding.
     From: report of Jacques Derrida (works [1990]) by Simon Glendinning - Derrida: A Very Short Introduction 5
     A reaction: The key point, I think, is that ambiguity and polysemia are not failures of language (which is the way most logicians see it), but part of the essential and irreducible nature of language. Nietzsche started this line of thought.
19. Language / A. Nature of Meaning / 10. Denial of Meanings
Words exist in 'spacing', so meanings are never synchronic except in writing [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Words only exist is 'spacings' (of time and space), so there are no synchronic meanings (except perhaps in writing).
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
22. Metaethics / C. The Good / 1. Goodness / a. Form of the Good
The good is implicitly violent (against evil), so there is no pure good [Derrida]
     Full Idea: Even the good is implicitly violent (against evil), so there can be no 'pure' good.
     From: Jacques Derrida (works [1990]), quoted by Barry Stocker - Derrida on Deconstruction
     A reaction: Is good implicitly non-violent? Appropriate anger seems to be good behaviour, and I can't see why it is impure. Maybe anger and violence lack the control needed for pure goodness.
23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 3. Virtues / h. Respect
Individuals need creativity, reverence for others, and self-respect [Russell]
     Full Idea: What we shall desire for individuals is now clear: strong creative impulses, overpowering and absorbing the instinct of possession; reverence for others; respect for the fundamental creative impulses in ourselves.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: Interesting that when Russell focuses on morality, he turns to virtues, rather than to rules. He uses 'reverence' where I would favour 'respect'. His concept of creativity is broad, and does not just concern art etc.
24. Political Theory / C. Ruling a State / 4. Changing the State / b. Devolution
Democracy is inadequate without a great deal of devolution [Russell]
     Full Idea: Democracy is not at all an adequate device unless it is accompanied by a very great amount of devolution.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: This whole book of Russell's is an appeal for the devolution of power, and for workplace democracy.
We would not want UK affairs to be settled by a world parliament [Russell]
     Full Idea: We should none of us like the affairs of Great Britain to be settled by a parliament of the world.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: The UK is currently (Dec 2018) living with a plan to quit Europe, mainly on the grounds that a European parliament has some authority over Britain. In every country resentment of the government increases with distance from the capital city.
24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 2. Anarchism
Anarchy does not maximise liberty [Russell]
     Full Idea: The greatest degree of liberty is not secured by anarchy. ...[22] The results of anarchy between states should suffice to persuade us that anarchism has no solution to offer for the evils of the world.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: I've heard Russell described as an anarchist, but this clearly wasn't true in 1917. Presumably liberty has to be protected. That we were watching anarchy between states in 1917 is a vivid observation.
24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 5. Democracy / c. Direct democracy
Groups should be autonomous, with a neutral authority as arbitrator [Russell]
     Full Idea: For maximum freedom with minimum force: Autonomy within each politically important group, and a neutral authority for deciding questions involving relations between groups.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 3)
     A reaction: This is workplace democracy, and also considerable self-rule amongst minority groups such as religions.
24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 5. Democracy / f. Against democracy
Unfortunately ordinary voters can't detect insincerity [Russell]
     Full Idea: It is a painful fact that the ordinary voter, at any rate in England, is quite blind to insincerity.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 3)
     A reaction: Gor blimey yes! Well said, Bertie. Even in the age of television, when you can examine them in closeup, people seem to confuse superficial charm with genuine positive convictions. Why are people better at detecting it in private life?
On every new question the majority is always wrong at first [Russell]
     Full Idea: It is a mistake to suppose that the majority is necessarily right. On every new question the majority is always wrong at first.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 3)
     A reaction: Sounds like bitter experience. This is a good argument for taking time over decisions, and (topical) for a second referendum some time after the first one (if you must have a referendum).
24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 8. Socialism
When the state is the only employer, there is no refuge from the prejudices of other people [Russell]
     Full Idea: Under state socialism ...where the State is the only employer, there is no refuge from its prejudices such as may now accidentally arise through the differing opinions of men.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 2)
     A reaction: There is also a strong likelihood in full state socialism that the state will control housing as well as employment. This hadn't come to pass in 1917.
24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 11. Capitalism
Men unite in pursuit of material things, and idealise greed as part of group loyalty [Russell]
     Full Idea: Men combine in groups to attain more strength in the scramble for material goods, and loyalty to the group spreads a halo of quasi-idealism round the central impulse of greed.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: See the 'greed is good' speech in the film 'Wall Street'. This sounds like a description of the USA, but Russell was very much in England at this stage.
25. Social Practice / A. Freedoms / 5. Freedom of lifestyle
We need security and liberty, and then encouragement of creativity [Russell]
     Full Idea: Security and liberty are only the negative conditions for good political institutions. When they have been won, we need also the positive condition: encouragement of creative energy.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: This sounds like some sort of liberal socialism. The nearest connection I can see is to the 'capabilities approach' of Martha Nussbaum. How do you intervene to encourage creativity?
25. Social Practice / C. Rights / 4. Property rights
The right to own land gives a legal right to a permanent income [Russell]
     Full Idea: There are many ways of becoming rich without contributing anything to the wealth of the community. Ownership of land or capital, whether acquired or inherited, gives a legal right to a permanent income.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 2)
     A reaction: I suspect that in the past land was the main source of this right, but now it is more likely to be capital. Land carries obligations of some sort, so income from capital is more fun.
29. Religion / D. Religious Issues / 2. Immortality / d. Heaven
That our heaven is a dull place reflects the misery of excessive work in life [Russell]
     Full Idea: It is a sad evidence of the weariness mankind has suffered from excessive toil that his heavens have usually been places where nothing ever happened or changed.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 1)
     A reaction: Has any religion got an idea of heaven as a place full of lively activity and creative problem-solving? That is what suits us best.