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All the ideas for 'Mahaprajnaparamitashastra', 'The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge' and 'Mental Content'

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4. Formal Logic / E. Nonclassical Logics / 2. Intuitionist Logic
Intuitionists rely on assertability instead of truth, but assertability relies on truth [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Though it may appear that the intuitionist is providing an account of the connectives couched in terms of assertability conditions, the notion of assertability is a derivative one, ultimately cashed out by appealing to the concept of truth.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.5)
     A reaction: I have quite a strong conviction that Kitcher is right. All attempts to eliminate truth, as some sort of ideal at the heart of ordinary talk and of reasoning, seems to me to be doomed.
6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 1. Mathematics
Kitcher says maths is an idealisation of the world, and our operations in dealing with it [Kitcher, by Resnik]
     Full Idea: Kitcher says maths is an 'idealising theory', like some in physics; maths idealises features of the world, and practical operations, such as segregating and matching (numbering), measuring, cutting, moving, assembling (geometry), and collecting (sets).
     From: report of Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984]) by Michael D. Resnik - Maths as a Science of Patterns One.4.2.2
     A reaction: This seems to be an interesting line, which is trying to be fairly empirical, and avoid basing mathematics on purely a priori understanding. Nevertheless, we do not learn idealisation from experience. Resnik labels Kitcher an anti-realist.
Mathematical a priorism is conceptualist, constructivist or realist [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Proposals for a priori mathematical knowledge have three main types: conceptualist (true in virtue of concepts), constructivist (a construct of the human mind) and realist (in virtue of mathematical facts).
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 02.3)
     A reaction: Realism is pure platonism. I think I currently vote for conceptualism, with the concepts deriving from the concrete world, and then being extended by fictional additions, and shifts in the notion of what 'number' means.
The interest or beauty of mathematics is when it uses current knowledge to advance undestanding [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: What makes a question interesting or gives it aesthetic appeal is its focussing of the project of advancing mathematical understanding, in light of the concepts and systems of beliefs already achieved.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 09.3)
     A reaction: Kitcher defends explanation (the source of understanding, presumably) in terms of unification with previous theories (the 'concepts and systems'). I always have the impression that mathematicians speak of 'beauty' when they see economy of means.
The 'beauty' or 'interest' of mathematics is just explanatory power [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Insofar as we can honor claims about the aesthetic qualities or the interest of mathematical inquiries, we should do so by pointing to their explanatory power.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 09.4)
     A reaction: I think this is a good enough account for me (but probably not for my friend Carl!). Beautiful cars are particularly streamlined. Beautiful people look particularly healthy. A beautiful idea is usually wide-ranging.
6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 3. Nature of Numbers / g. Real numbers
Real numbers stand to measurement as natural numbers stand to counting [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The real numbers stand to measurement as the natural numbers stand to counting.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.4)
6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 3. Nature of Numbers / j. Complex numbers
Complex numbers were only accepted when a geometrical model for them was found [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: An important episode in the acceptance of complex numbers was the development by Wessel, Argand, and Gauss, of a geometrical model of the numbers.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 07.5)
     A reaction: The model was in terms of vectors and rotation. New types of number are spurned until they can be shown to integrate into a range of mathematical practice, at which point mathematicians change the meaning of 'number' (without consulting us).
6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 4. Using Numbers / a. Units
A one-operation is the segregation of a single object [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: We perform a one-operation when we perform a segregative operation in which a single object is segregated.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.3)
     A reaction: This is part of Kitcher's empirical but constructive account of arithmetic, which I find very congenial. He avoids the word 'unit', and goes straight to the concept of 'one' (which he treats as more primitive than zero).
6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 4. Using Numbers / g. Applying mathematics
The old view is that mathematics is useful in the world because it describes the world [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: There is an old explanation of the utility of mathematics. Mathematics describes the structural features of our world, features which are manifested in the behaviour of all the world's inhabitants.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.1)
     A reaction: He only cites Russell in modern times as sympathising with this view, but Kitcher gives it some backing. I think the view is totally correct. The digression produced by Cantorian infinities has misled us.
6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 5. The Infinite / k. Infinitesimals
With infinitesimals, you divide by the time, then set the time to zero [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The method of infinitesimals is that you divide by the time, and then set the time to zero.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 10.2)
6. Mathematics / C. Sources of Mathematics / 2. Intuition of Mathematics
If mathematics comes through intuition, that is either inexplicable, or too subjective [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: If mathematical statements are don't merely report features of transient and private mental entities, it is unclear how pure intuition generates mathematical knowledge. But if they are, they express different propositions for different people and times.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 03.1)
     A reaction: This seems to be the key dilemma which makes Kitcher reject intuition as an a priori route to mathematics. We do, though, just seem to 'see' truths sometimes, and are unable to explain how we do it.
Mathematical intuition is not the type platonism needs [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The intuitions of which mathematicians speak are not those which Platonism requires.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 03.3)
     A reaction: The point is that it is not taken to be a 'special' ability, but rather a general insight arising from knowledge of mathematics. I take that to be a good account of intuition, which I define as 'inarticulate rationality'.
Intuition is no basis for securing a priori knowledge, because it is fallible [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The process of pure intuition does not measure up to the standards required of a priori warrants not because it is sensuous but because it is fallible.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 03.2)
6. Mathematics / C. Sources of Mathematics / 4. Mathematical Empiricism / a. Mathematical empiricism
Mathematical knowledge arises from basic perception [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Mathematical knowledge arises from rudimentary knowledge acquired by perception.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], Intro)
     A reaction: This is an empiricist manifesto, which asserts his allegiance to Mill, and he gives a sophisticated account of how higher mathematics can be accounted for in this way. Well, he tries to.
My constructivism is mathematics as an idealization of collecting and ordering objects [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The constructivist position I defend claims that mathematics is an idealized science of operations which can be performed on objects in our environment. It offers an idealized description of operations of collecting and ordering.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], Intro)
     A reaction: I think this is right. What is missing from Kitcher's account (and every other account I've met) is what is meant by 'idealization'. How do you go about idealising something? Hence my interest in the psychology of abstraction.
We derive limited mathematics from ordinary things, and erect powerful theories on their basis [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: I propose that a very limited amount of our mathematical knowledge can be obtained by observations and manipulations of ordinary things. Upon this small base we erect the powerful general theories of modern mathematics.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 05.2)
     A reaction: I agree. The three related processes that take us from the experiential base of mathematics to its lofty heights are generalisation, idealisation and abstraction.
The defenders of complex numbers had to show that they could be expressed in physical terms [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Proponents of complex numbers had ultimately to argue that the new operations shared with the original paradigms a susceptibility to construal in physical terms. The geometrical models of complex numbers answered to this need.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 07.5)
     A reaction: [A nice example of the verbose ideas which this website aims to express in plain English!] The interest is not that they had to be described physically (which may pander to an uninformed audience), but that they could be so described.
6. Mathematics / C. Sources of Mathematics / 6. Logicism / d. Logicism critique
Analyticity avoids abstract entities, but can there be truth without reference? [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Philosophers who hope to avoid commitment to abstract entities by claiming that mathematical statements are analytic must show how analyticity is, or provides a species of, truth not requiring reference.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 04.I)
     A reaction: [the last part is a quotation from W.D. Hart] Kitcher notes that Frege has a better account, because he provides objects to which reference can be made. I like this idea, which seems to raise a very large question, connected to truthmakers.
6. Mathematics / C. Sources of Mathematics / 10. Constructivism / a. Constructivism
Arithmetic is made true by the world, but is also made true by our constructions [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: I want to suggest both that arithmetic owes its truth to the structure of the world and that arithmetic is true in virtue of our constructive activity.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.2)
     A reaction: Well said, but the problem seems no more mysterious to me than the fact that trees grow in the woods and we build houses out of them. I think I will declare myself to be an 'empirical constructivist' about mathematics.
Arithmetic is an idealizing theory [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: I construe arithmetic as an idealizing theory.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.2)
     A reaction: I find 'generalising' the most helpful word, because everyone seems to understand and accept the idea. 'Idealisation' invokes 'ideals', which lots of people dislike, and lots of philosophers seem to have trouble with 'abstraction'.
We develop a language for correlations, and use it to perform higher level operations [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The development of a language for describing our correlational activity itself enables us to perform higher level operations.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.2)
     A reaction: This is because all language itself (apart from proper names) is inherently general, idealised and abstracted. He sees the correlations as the nested collections expressed by set theory.
Constructivism is ontological (that it is the work of an agent) and epistemological (knowable a priori) [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The constructivist ontological thesis is that mathematics owes its truth to the activity of an actual or ideal subject. The epistemological thesis is that we can have a priori knowledge of this activity, and so recognise its limits.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.5)
     A reaction: The mention of an 'ideal' is Kitcher's personal view. Kitcher embraces the first view, and rejects the second.
6. Mathematics / C. Sources of Mathematics / 10. Constructivism / c. Conceptualism
Conceptualists say we know mathematics a priori by possessing mathematical concepts [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Conceptualists claim that we have basic a priori knowledge of mathematical axioms in virtue of our possession of mathematical concepts.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 04.1)
     A reaction: I sympathise with this view. If concepts are reasonably clear, they will relate to one another in certain ways. How could they not? And how else would you work out those relations other than by thinking about them?
If meaning makes mathematics true, you still need to say what the meanings refer to [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Someone who believes that basic truths of mathematics are true in virtue of meaning is not absolved from the task of saying what the referents of mathematical terms are, or ...what mathematical reality is like.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 04.6)
     A reaction: Nice question! He's a fan of getting at the explanatory in mathematics.
9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 2. Abstract Objects / b. Need for abstracta
Abstract objects were a bad way of explaining the structure in mathematics [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: The original introduction of abstract objects was a bad way of doing justice to the insight that mathematics is concerned with structure.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.1)
     A reaction: I'm a fan of explanations in metaphysics, and hence find the concept of 'bad' explanations in metaphysics particularly intriguing.
12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 1. Nature of the A Priori
A priori knowledge comes from available a priori warrants that produce truth [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: X knows a priori that p iff the belief was produced with an a priori warrant, which is a process which is available to X, and this process is a warrant, and it makes p true.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 01.4)
     A reaction: [compression of a formal spelling-out] This is a modified version of Goldman's reliabilism, for a priori knowledge. It sounds a bit circular and uninformative, but it's a start.
12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 6. A Priori from Reason
In long mathematical proofs we can't remember the original a priori basis [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: When we follow long mathematical proofs we lose our a priori warrants for their beginnings.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 02.2)
     A reaction: Kitcher says Descartes complains about this problem several times in his 'Regulae'. The problem runs even deeper into all reasoning, if you become sceptical about memory. You have to remember step 1 when you do step 2.
12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 9. A Priori from Concepts
Knowledge is a priori if the experience giving you the concepts thus gives you the knowledge [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: Knowledge is independent of experience if any experience which would enable us to acquire the concepts involved would enable us to have the knowledge.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 01.3)
     A reaction: This is the 'conceptualist' view of a priori knowledge, which Kitcher goes on to attack, preferring a 'constructivist' view. The formula here shows that we can't divorce experience entirely from a priori thought. I find conceptualism a congenial view.
12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 10. A Priori as Subjective
We have some self-knowledge a priori, such as knowledge of our own existence [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: One can make a powerful case for supposing that some self-knowledge is a priori. At most, if not all, of our waking moments, each of us knows of herself that she exists.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 01.6)
     A reaction: This is a begrudging concession from a strong opponent to the whole notion of a priori knowledge. I suppose if you ask 'what can be known by thought alone?' then truths about thought ought to be fairly good initial candidates.
13. Knowledge Criteria / A. Justification Problems / 1. Justification / a. Justification issues
A 'warrant' is a process which ensures that a true belief is knowledge [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: A 'warrant' refers to those processes which produce belief 'in the right way': X knows that p iff p, and X believes that p, and X's belief that p was produced by a process which is a warrant for it.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 01.2)
     A reaction: That is, a 'warrant' is a justification which makes a belief acceptable as knowledge. Traditionally, warrants give you certainty (and are, consequently, rather hard to find). I would say, in the modern way, that warrants are agreed by social convention.
13. Knowledge Criteria / A. Justification Problems / 1. Justification / c. Defeasibility
If experiential can defeat a belief, then its justification depends on the defeater's absence [Kitcher, by Casullo]
     Full Idea: According to Kitcher, if experiential evidence can defeat someone's justification for a belief, then their justification depends on the absence of that experiential evidence.
     From: report of Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], p.89) by Albert Casullo - A Priori Knowledge 2.3
     A reaction: Sounds implausible. There are trillions of possible defeaters for most beliefs, but to say they literally depend on trillions of absences seems a very odd way of seeing the situation
14. Science / D. Explanation / 2. Types of Explanation / a. Types of explanation
Some explanations offer to explain a mystery by a greater mystery [Schulte]
     Full Idea: An 'obscurum per obscurius' explanation is explaining something mysterious by something even more mysterious,
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 6)
     A reaction: Schulte's example is trying to explain mental content in terms of phenomenal experience. That is, roughly, explaining content by qualia, when the latter is the 'hard problem'.
15. Nature of Minds / C. Capacities of Minds / 6. Idealisation
Idealisation trades off accuracy for simplicity, in varying degrees [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: To idealize is to trade accuracy in describing the actual for simplicity of description, and the compromise can sometimes be struck in different ways.
     From: Philip Kitcher (The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984], 06.5)
     A reaction: There is clearly rather more to idealisation than mere simplicity. A matchstick man is not an ideal man.
18. Thought / C. Content / 1. Content
Naturalist accounts of representation must match the views of cognitive science [Schulte]
     Full Idea: Recent naturalisation of content now also has to offer a matching account of representational explanations in cognitive science.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 08.1)
     A reaction: [He cites Cummins, Neander and Shea] This is in addition to the 'status' and 'content' questions of Idea 23796. This seems to be an interesting shift to philosophers working backwards from the theories of empirical science. Few are qualified for this job!
On the whole, referential content is seen as broad, and sense content as narrow [Schulte]
     Full Idea: We can say that non-Fregean content [reference] is (virtually) always contrued as broad, while Fregean content [sense] is usually contrued as narrow.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 3.2)
     A reaction: I can't make sense of mental content actually being outside the mind, so I see all content as narrow - but that doesn't mean that externals are irrelevant to it. If I think that is an oak, and it's an elm, the content is oak.
Naturalistic accounts of content cannot rely on primitive mental or normative notions [Schulte]
     Full Idea: A 'naturalistic' explanation of content excludes primitive mental or normative notions, but allows causation, counterfactual dependence, probabilistic dependence or structural similarity.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 4)
     A reaction: Apart from causation, what is permissible to naturalists (like me) all sounds rather superficial (and thus not very explanatory). I'm sure we can do better than this. How about using non-primitive mental notions?
Maybe we can explain mental content in terms of phenomenal properties [Schulte]
     Full Idea: The phenomenal intentionality approach says that the content properties of mental states can be explained in terms of the phenomenal properties of mental states.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 6)
     A reaction: [Searle and Loar are cited] Tends to be 'non-naturalistic'. We might decide that content derives from the phenomenal, but still without saying anything interesting about content. Mathematical content? Universally generalised content?
Phenomenal and representational character may have links, or even be united [Schulte]
     Full Idea: Some theorists maintain that all states with representational content or intentionality must have phenomenal character …and we can also ask whether all states with phenomenal character also have representional content.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 2.4)
     A reaction: He mentions that beliefs could involve inner speech. And pains and moods may be phenomenal but lack content. He also asks which determines which.
Naturalists must explain both representation, and what is represented [Schulte]
     Full Idea: Naturalistic accounts of content ask 1) what makes a state qualify as a representational state?, and 2) what makes a representational state have one specific content rather than another?
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 4)
     A reaction: [As often in this collection, the author uses algebraic letters, but I prefer plain English] I would say that the first question looks more amenable to an answer than the second. Do we know the neuronal difference between seeing red and blue?
18. Thought / C. Content / 9. Conceptual Role Semantics
Conceptual role semantics says content is determined by cognitive role [Schulte]
     Full Idea: Conceptual role semantics says the content of a representation is determined by the cognitive role it plays with a system.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 4.5)
     A reaction: Obvious problem: if 'swordfish' is the password, its role is quite different from its content. I've never thought that the role of something tells you anything about what it is. Hearts pump blood, but how do they fulfil that role?
18. Thought / C. Content / 10. Causal Semantics
Cause won't explain content, because one cause can produce several contents [Schulte]
     Full Idea: A simple causal theory of content has the 'content indeterminacy' problem - that the presence of a cow causes 'a cow is present', but also 'an animal is present' and 'a biological organism is present'.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 4.1)
     A reaction: That only rules out the 'simple' version. We just need to add that the cause (cow experience) is shaped by current knowledge and interests. Someone buying cows and someone terrified of them thereby produce different concepts.
18. Thought / C. Content / 11. Teleological Semantics
Teleosemantic explanations say content is the causal result of naturally selected functions [Schulte]
     Full Idea: Teleosemantic theories usually give a causal account of mental functions …where some trait has a particular function if it was selected for that function by a process of natural selection.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 4.4)
     A reaction: This is an idea I like - that something has a specific function if without that function it wouldn't have come into existence (eyes, for example). But presumably the function of a mind is to collect content - which does nothing to explain content!
Teleosemantics explains content in terms of successful and unsuccessful functioning [Schulte]
     Full Idea: The core idea of teleosemantics is that we need to explain how content can be accurate or inaccurate, true or false, realised or unrealised …which must appeal to the distinction between proper functioning and malfunctioning.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 4.4)
     A reaction: My immediate reaction to this is that you don't learn about content by assessing its success. Surely (as with eyesight) you first need to understand what it does, and only then judge its success. …Though success and failure are implicit in function.
18. Thought / C. Content / 12. Informational Semantics
Information theories say content is information, such as smoke making fire probable [Schulte]
     Full Idea: Information theories of content [usually assume that] a column of smoke over there carries the information that fire is over there because it raises the probability of fire being over there.
     From: Peter Schulte (Mental Content [2023], 4.2)
     A reaction: Theorists usually add further conditions to this basic one. Fred Dretske is the source of this approach. Not promising, in my opinion. Surely the content is just smoke, and fire is one of dozens of possible inferences from it?
23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 3. Virtues / a. Virtues
The six perfections are giving, morality, patience, vigour, meditation, and wisdom [Nagarjuna]
     Full Idea: The six perfections are of giving, morality, patience, vigour, meditation, and wisdom.
     From: Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitashastra [c.120], 88)
     A reaction: What is 'morality', if giving is not part of it? I like patience and vigour being two of the virtues, which immediately implies an Aristotelian mean (which is always what is 'appropriate').