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All the ideas for 'fragments/reports', 'Gilles Deleuze' and 'Logicism Revisited'

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13 ideas

1. Philosophy / H. Continental Philosophy / 1. Continental Philosophy
Deleuze relies on Spinoza (immanence), Bergson (duration), and difference (Nietzsche) [May]
     Full Idea: The three tripods on which the philosophy of Deleuze stands are immanence (Spinoza), duration (Bergson), and the affirmation of difference (Nietzsche).
     From: Todd May (Gilles Deleuze [2006], 2.12)
     A reaction: [Just to begin sketching how continental philosophy sees its tradition].
5. Theory of Logic / C. Ontology of Logic / 3. If-Thenism
The If-thenist view only seems to work for the axiomatised portions of mathematics [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: The If-thenist view seems to apply straightforwardly only to the axiomatised portions of mathematics.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §5)
     A reaction: He cites Lakatos to show that cutting-edge mathematics is never axiomatised. One might reply that if the new mathematics is any good then it ought to be axiomatis-able (barring Gödelian problems).
Perhaps If-thenism survives in mathematics if we stick to first-order logic [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: If we identify logic with first-order logic, and mathematics with the collection of first-order theories, then maybe we can continue to maintain the If-thenist position.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §5)
     A reaction: The problem is that If-thenism must rely on rules of inference. That seems to mean that what is needed is Soundness, rather than Completeness. That is, inference by the rules must work properly.
5. Theory of Logic / I. Semantics of Logic / 3. Logical Truth
Logical truths may contain non-logical notions, as in 'all men are men' [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: Containing only logical notions is not a necessary condition for being a logical truth, since a logical truth such as 'all men are men' may contain non-logical notions such as 'men'.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §3)
     A reaction: [He attributes this point to Russell] Maybe it is only a logical truth in its general form, as ∀x(x=x). Of course not all 'banks' are banks.
A statement is logically true if it comes out true in all interpretations in all (non-empty) domains [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: The standard modern view of logical truth is that a statement is logically true if it comes out true in all interpretations in all (non-empty) domains.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §3)
6. Mathematics / B. Foundations for Mathematics / 4. Axioms for Number / d. Peano arithmetic
No two numbers having the same successor relies on the Axiom of Infinity [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: The axiom of Peano which states that no two numbers have the same successor requires the Axiom of Infinity for its proof.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §4 n)
     A reaction: [He refers to Russell 1919:131-2] The Axiom of Infinity is controversial and non-logical.
6. Mathematics / C. Sources of Mathematics / 7. Formalism
Formalism seems to exclude all creative, growing mathematics [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: Formalism seems to exclude from consideration all creative, growing mathematics.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §5)
     A reaction: [He cites Lakatos in support] I am not immediately clear why spotting the remote implications of a formal system should be uncreative. The greatest chess players are considered to be highly creative and imaginative.
Formalism is a bulwark of logical positivism [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: Formalism is a bulwark of logical positivist philosophy.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §5)
     A reaction: Presumably if you drain all the empirical content out of arithmetic and geometry, you are only left with the bare formal syntax, of symbols and rules. That seems to be as analytic as you can get.
19. Language / A. Nature of Meaning / 5. Meaning as Verification
Logical positivists adopted an If-thenist version of logicism about numbers [Musgrave]
     Full Idea: Logical positivists did not adopt old-style logicism, but rather logicism spiced with varying doses of If-thenism.
     From: Alan Musgrave (Logicism Revisited [1977], §4)
     A reaction: This refers to their account of mathematics as a set of purely logical truths, rather than being either empirical, or a priori synthetic.
23. Ethics / F. Existentialism / 1. Existentialism
For existentialists the present is empty without the pull of the future and weight of the past [May]
     Full Idea: For the existential view of lived time, the present would be empty if it were not for the pull of the future and the weight of the past that give it its character.
     From: Todd May (Gilles Deleuze [2006], 2.05)
     A reaction: Bergson seems to be important in developing this idea, though I suspect that Kierkegaard is a source.
24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 6. Liberalism / a. Liberalism basics
Liberal theory starts from the governed, not from the governor [May]
     Full Idea: For liberal theory, it is the individual to be governed, not the governor, who is the starting point.
     From: Todd May (Gilles Deleuze [2006], 4.02)
     A reaction: I'm inclined to see this as the single-handed achievement of Thomas Hobbes, who starts from the need of citizens to secure their contracts. Plato's society starts from entrepreneurs, but their need for a ruler seems a priori.
25. Social Practice / E. Policies / 5. Education / b. Education principles
Learned men gain more in one day than others do in a lifetime [Posidonius]
     Full Idea: In a single day there lies open to men of learning more than there ever does to the unenlightened in the longest of lifetimes.
     From: Posidonius (fragments/reports [c.95 BCE]), quoted by Seneca the Younger - Letters from a Stoic 078
     A reaction: These remarks endorsing the infinite superiority of the educated to the uneducated seem to have been popular in late antiquity. It tends to be the religions which discourage great learning, especially in their emphasis on a single book.
27. Natural Reality / D. Time / 1. Nature of Time / d. Time as measure
Time is an interval of motion, or the measure of speed [Posidonius, by Stobaeus]
     Full Idea: Posidonius defined time thus: it is an interval of motion, or the measure of speed and slowness.
     From: report of Posidonius (fragments/reports [c.95 BCE]) by John Stobaeus - Anthology 1.08.42
     A reaction: Hm. Can we define motion or speed without alluding to time? Looks like we have to define them as a conjoined pair, which means we cannot fully understand either of them.