Combining Texts

Select two or three texts and combine their ideas, in full, or on a chosen area. To save your query, set it as a bookmark or favourite. Choose your first text.

1     Magna Carta
1     The Putney Debates
Peter Abelard
8     works
Deborah Achtenberg
1     Cognition of Value in Aristotle's Ethics
Robert Merrihew Adams
12     Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity
1     Actualism and Thisness
Theodor W. Adorno
1     works
1     Negative Dialectics
T Adorno / M Horkheimer
2     Dialectic of Enlightenment
1     Pyrrhonian Arguments (frags)
1     The Eumenides
1     plays (frags)
6     fragments/reports
Kevin Aho
8     Existentialism: an introduction
Albert of Saxony
1     On 'Generation and Corruption'
3     On 'Physics'
Leon Battista Alberti
1     De Re Aedificatoria
Albertus Magnus
1     On Minerals
1     On 'Generation and Corruption'
2     fragments/reports
1     On Aristotle's Metaphysics Book 2
Peter Alexander
6     Ideas, Qualities and Corpuscles
Samuel Alexander
2     works
1     Space, Time and Deity (2 vols)
Joseph Almog
12     Nature Without Essence
1     30: Book of Amos
1     comedies (frags)
23     fragments/reports
1     fragments/reports
8     fragments/reports
1     fragments/reports
C. Anthony Anderson
9     Identity and Existence in Logic
Peter A. Angeles
1     A Dictionary of Philosophy
Julia Annas
8     The Morality of Happiness
4     Ancient Philosophy: very short introduction
Anon (Bhag)
12     The Bhagavad Gita
Anon (Cent)
8     Centring
Anon (Dan)
1     27: Book of Daniel
Anon (Dham)
8     The DhammaPada
Anon (Diss)
9     Dissoi Logoi - on Double Arguments
Anon (Ecc)
5     21: Book of Ecclesiastes
Anon (Gilg)
1     The Epic of Gilgamesh
Anon (Job)
1     18: Book of Job
Anon (Josh)
1     06: Book of Joshua
Anon (Kings)
1     11: Book of Kings 1
Anon (Lev)
1     03: Book of Leviticus
Anon (Par)
5     The Condemnation of 1277
Anon (Plat)
1     Alcibiades
Anon (Titus)
1     17: Epistle to Titus
Anon (Tor)
3     01: Book of Genesis
Anon (Upan)
18     The Upanishads
G.E.M. Anscombe
1     Intention
3     Modern Moral Philosophy
1     The Intentionality of Sensation
6     Causality and Determinism
9     Proslogion
1     De Veritate (On Truth)
4     fragments/reports
Antisthenes (Ath)
5     fragments/reports
G. Aldo Antonelli
10     Non-Monotonic Logic
Thomas Aquinas
1     Sentences
1     On Aristotle's 'Metaphysics'
4     Quodlibeta
2     Disputed questions about truth
3     Summa Contra Gentiles
61     Summa Theologicae
14     De Ente et Essentia (Being and Essence)
1     Sententia on 'De Caelo'
1     On the spiritual perfection of life
1     Quaestiones de anima
1     Quaestiones de Potentia Dei
1     Sententia on 'Posterior Analytics'
17     Quaestiones Disputatae de Malo
1     Super Epistolam Pauli Apostoli
1     fragments/reports
2     fragments/reports
1     fragments/reports
Hannah Arendt
2     The Origins of Totalitarianism
Aristippus the elder
6     fragments/reports
Aristippus the younger
8     fragments/reports
3     fragments/reports
17     The Art of Rhetoric
2     The Poetics
1     The Parts of Animals
3     The History of Animals
94     Physics
12     On the Heavens
25     Coming-to-be and Passing-away (Gen/Corr)
229     Nicomachean Ethics
1     Protrepticus (frags)
44     Eudemian Ethics
115     Politics
41     Categories
7     Sophistical Refutations
34     Topics
19     On Interpretation
25     works
54     De Anima
15     Prior Analytics
72     Posterior Analytics
335     Metaphysics
David M. Armstrong
5     A Materialist Theory of Mind (Rev)
2     Belief Truth and Knowledge
7     A Theory of Universals
1     Nominalism and Realism
3     Against 'Ostrich Nominalism'
35     What is a Law of Nature?
1     The Nature of Possibility
8     Pref to new 'Materialist Theory'
14     Universals
1     Universals and Particulars
5     A World of States of Affairs
1     Two Problems for Essentialism
31     Truth and Truthmakers
2     A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility
17     Properties
Karen Armstrong
6     A History of God
Antoine Arnauld
1     Letters to Leibniz
Arnauld / Nicole
6     Logic (Port-Royal Art of Thinking)
Richard T.W. Arthur
2     Leibniz
3     Buddhacarita
3     Saundaranandakavya
Mary Astell
1     A Serious Proposal to the Ladies I
Paul Audi
12     Clarification and Defense of Grounding
Robert Audi
26     Epistemology: contemporary introduction
1     Action, Intention and Reason
2     City of God
22     Confessions
8     works
Marcus Aurelius
6     The Meditations (To Himself)
Peter Auriol
3     Sentences
John Austin
1     Lectures on Jurisprudence
J.L. Austin
2     Truth
1     A Plea for Excuses
1     Sense and Sensibilia
Averroes (Ibn Rushd)
1     Commentary on 'Physics'
Avicenna (Abu Ibn Sina)
4     Commentary on the Metaphysics
5     Intro to 'Communitarianism and Individualism'
Robert Axelrod
2     The Evolution of Co-Operation
A.J. Ayer
41     Language,Truth and Logic
2     The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge
7     Introduction to 'Language Truth and Logic'
2     Phenomenalism
7     On the analysis of moral judgements
6     The Problem of Knowledge
7     The Concept of a Person
13     The Central Questions of Philosophy
M.R. Ayers
15     Individuals without Sortals
Jody Azzouni
12     Deflating Existential Consequence
Kent Bach
3     The Emperor's New 'Knows'
21     What Does It Take to Refer?
Francis Bacon
10     The Advancement of Learning
1     Cogitata et Visa
2     Philosophical Studies 1611-19
3     Preface to Great Instauration (Renewal)
3     The New Organon
1     17: Of Superstition
John Bacon
4     Tropes
Roger Bacon
1     Opus Maius (major works)
Alain Badiou
24     Briefings on Existence
6     Mathematics and Philosophy: grand and little
J Baggini / PS Fosl
18     The Philosopher's Toolkit
Jim Baggott
4     The Quantum Story: 40 moments
3     Farewell to Reality: fairytale physics
James Baillie
1     Problems in Personal Identity
Sarah Bakewell
2     At the Existentialist Café
Mikhail Bakunin
1     works
Jonathan Barnes
3     Commentary on 'Posterior Analytics
36     Intro to the Philosophy of Time
Jean Baudrillard
15     The Intelligence of Evil
1     works
Alexander Baumgarten
3     Aesthetica
Thomas Bayes
1     Essay on a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances
Tim Bayne
6     Thought: a very short introduction
George Bealer
5     Propositions
JC Beall / G Restall
8     Logical Consequence
23     Logical Pluralism
Monroe Beardsley
1     Aesthetics: problems in the philosophy of criticism
Simone de Beauvoir
1     Ethics of Ambiguity
1     The Second Sex
Isaac Beeckman
1     Journals
Clive Bell
18     Art
Nuel D. Belnap
1     Tonk, Plonk and Plink
1     Conditional Assertion and Restricted Quantification
Paul Benacerraf
4     Logicism, Some Considerations (PhD)
24     What Numbers Could Not Be
3     Mathematical Truth
José A. Benardete
26     Metaphysics: the logical approach
Jonathan Bennett
1     Kant's Analytic
7     Event Causation: counterfactual analysis
2     Events and Their Names
Karen Bennett
8     Supervenience
Jeremy Bentham
2     Anarchical Fallacies: on the Declaration of Rights
1     Constitutional Code I
9     Intro to Principles of Morals and Legislation
Richard Bentley
1     Matter and Motion Cannot Think
Franco 'Bifo' Berardi
8     The Second Coming
Henri Bergson
2     Matter and Memory
1     Time and Free Will
1     works
George Berkeley
1     The Analyst
33     The Principles of Human Knowledge
35     Three Dialogues of Hylas and Philonous
Isaiah Berlin
6     The Roots of Romanticism
1     Two Concepts of Liberty
1     The Sense of Reality
Paul Bernays
3     On Platonism in Mathematics
Bernecker / Dretske
10     Knowledge:Readings in Cont.Epist
Alex Betteridge
1     talk
Roy Bhaskar
1     A Realist Theory of Science
John Bigelow
1     The Reality of Numbers
1     Presentism and Properties
Ray Billington
1     talk
Alexander Bird
61     Philosophy of Science
34     Nature's Metaphysics
3     Causation and the Manifestation of Powers
Max Black
4     The Identity of Indiscernibles
Tim Black
2     Modal and Anti-Luck Epistemology
Simon Blackburn
1     Spreading the Word
2     Morals and Modals
4     Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
1     Ruling Passions
1     Précis of 'Ruling Passions'
1     Religion and Respect
Brand Blanshard
2     The Nature of Thought
Blasius of Parma
1     Les quaestiones de anima (lectures on the soul)
Ned Block
13     Troubles with Functionalism
1     works
1     Inverted Earth
1     Semantics, Conceptual Role
1     Librium de interpretatione editio secunda
1     Second Commentary on 'Isagoge'
1     Concerning the Trinity
21     The Consolations of Philosophy
Paul Boghossian
1     The Status of Content
13     Analyticity Reconsidered
Bernard Bolzano
9     Theory of Science (Wissenschaftslehre, 4 vols)
2     Paradoxes of the Infinite
2     Commentary on Sentences
Laurence Bonjour
7     Externalist Theories of Empirical Knowledge
8     The Structure of Empirical Knowledge
15     In Defence of Pure Reason
11     A Version of Internalist Foundationalism
George Boole
4     The Laws of Thought
George Boolos
1     The iterative conception of Set
7     On Second-Order Logic
11     To be is to be the value of a variable..
1     Iteration Again
1     Is Hume's Principle analytic?
10     Must We Believe in Set Theory?
David Bostock
72     Intermediate Logic
49     Philosophy of Mathematics
Stephen Boulter
8     Why Medieval Philosophy Matters
Nicholas Bourbaki
1     The Architecture of Mathematics
Craig Bourne
14     A Future for Presentism
Andrew Bowie
4     Introduction to German Philosophy
4     German Philosophy: a very short introduction
Richard Boyd
2     Homeostasis, Species and Higher Taxa
Robert Boyle
1     The Sceptical Chemist
10     The Origin of Forms and Qualities
2     Certain Physical Essays
F.H. Bradley
1     Ethical Studies
9     Appearance and Reality
R.B. Braithwaite
1     Scientific Explanation
1     Empiricist View of Religion
Robert B. Brandom
1     Making It Explicit
1     Articulating Reasons: Intro to Inferentialism
Michael Bratman
4     Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason
Richard Breheny
1     Letter to Clerk Maxwell
Franz Brentano
2     Psychology from an empirical standpoint
Bill Brewer
1     Perceptual experience has conceptual content
David O. Brink
6     Emotivism
C.D. Broad
5     Scientific Thought
1     Mind and Its Place in Nature
1     Examination of McTaggart's Philosophy
Baruch Brody
13     Identity and Essence
Berit Brogaard
1     Perceptual Content and Monadic Truth
Luitzen E.J. Brouwer
2     works
1     Consciousness, Philosophy and Mathematics
5     Intuitionism and Formalism
2     Mathematics, Science and Language
James Robert Brown
33     Philosophy of Mathematics
Giordano Bruno
1     works
Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)
3     reports
1     Papancasudani
Tyler Burge
1     Frege on Extensions from Concepts
1     Intellectual Norms and Foundations of Mind
1     Frege on Knowing the Third Realm
1     Frege on Knowing the Foundations
1     Frege on Apriority
3     Frege on Apriority (with ps)
5     Philosophy of Mind: 1950-2000
1     Content Preservation
John P. Burgess
6     Review of Chihara 'Struct. Accnt of Maths'
28     Philosophical Logic
JP Burgess / G Rosen
15     A Subject with No Object
Jean Buridan
1     talk
1     Questions on Aristotle's Posterior Analytics
4     Questions on Aristotle's Physics
Edmund Burke
1     Address to the Voters of Bristol
Michael Burke
8     Dion and Theon: an essentialist solution
Walter Burley
2     Commentary on 'Physics'
1     De formis
Myles F. Burnyeat
1     Aristotle on Learning to be Good
Joseph Butler
1     Fifteen Sermons
1     works
5     Analogy of Religion
Tim Button
9     The Limits of Reason
Jean Calvin
1     works
Ross P. Cameron
14     Truthmakers, Realism and Ontology
5     Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties
3     On the Source of Necessity
9     Truthmaking for Presentists
Keith Campbell
14     The Metaphysic of Abstract Particulars
Albert Camus
14     The Myth of Sisyphus
George Cantor
2     Grundlagen (Foundations of Theory of Manifolds)
1     Later Letters to Dedekind
42     works
1     Review of Frege's 'Grundlagen'
2     The Theory of Transfinite Numbers
1     Beitrage
Herman Cappelen
2     Philosophy without Intuitions
19     The Inessential Indexical
6     Epistemology
James Cargile
1     Paradoxes: Form and Predication
Rudolph Carnap
2     The Logical Structure of the World (Aufbau)
2     The Logical Syntax of Language
1     Letters to Schlick
1     Testability and Meaning
1     Meaning and Necessity
11     Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology
1     Logical Foundations of Probability
1     Elimination of Metaphysics by Analysis of Language
10     fragments/reports
Lewis Carroll (C.Dodgson)
1     Through the Looking Glass
Peter Carruthers
3     Introducing Persons
Rita Carter
19     Mapping the Mind
Helen Cartwright
1     On Plural Reference and Set Theory
Nancy Cartwright
17     How the Laws of Physics Lie
1     The Dappled World
Richard Cartwright
10     Propositions
1     Classes and Attributes
4     Some Remarks on Essentialism
2     Scattered Objects
2     Intro to 'Philosophical Essays'
Quassim Cassam
6     Introduction to 'Self-Knowledge'
Albert Casullo
1     A priori/A posteriori
6     A Priori Knowledge
Augustin-Louis Cauchy
2     Cours d'Analyse
Margaret Cavendish
1     Philosophical Letters
2     On the True Doctrine (Against Christians)
Anjan Chakravarrty
6     Inessential Aristotle: Powers without Essences
David J.Chalmers
52     The Conscious Mind
2     Does Conceivability Entail Possibility?
2     Epistemic Two-Dimensional Semantics
1     Foundations of Two-Dimensional Semantics
Walter Charleton
1     Physiologia
John Charvet
27     Liberalism: the basics
Charles Chihara
17     A Structural Account of Mathematics
1     Ontology and the Vicious Circle Principle
4     Constructibility and Mathematical Existence
1     poems (frags)
Roderick Chisholm
6     Human Freedom and the Self
1     The Myth of the Given
1     Theory of Knowledge (2nd ed 1977)
2     Freedom and Action
2     Identity through Possible Worlds
32     Person and Object
1     A Realistic Theory of Categories
Noam Chomsky
2     Syntactic Structure
1     Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
1     Chomsky on himself
60     fragments/reports
Alonzo Church
1     A Note on the entscheidungsproblem
Paul M. Churchland
2     Eliminative Materialism and Prop. Attitudes
3     Folk Psychology
Churchland / Churchland
3     Recent Work on Consciousness
M. Tullius Cicero
1     On Divination ('De divinatione')
7     Academica
20     On the Nature of the Gods ('De natura deorum')
3     On Duties ('De Officiis')
10     Tusculan Disputations
3     On Fate ('De fato')
E.M. Cioran
47     A Short History of Decay
17     The Trouble with Being Born
Tom Clark
1     talk
A Clark / D Chalmers
5     The Extended Mind
4     fragments/reports
Brian Clegg
20     Infinity: Quest to Think the Unthinkable
James Van Cleve
2     Why coherence is not enough
William K. Clifford
1     works
Frank Close
18     Theories of Everything
Matthew Cobb
2     The Idea of the Brain
Tom Cochrane
11     The Aesthetic Value of the World
J. Alberto Coffa
5     The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap
Paul J. Cohen
1     Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis
G.A. Cohen
5     Are Freedom and Equality Compatible?
L. Jonathan Cohen
1     The Problem of Natural Laws
Stewart Cohen
3     Contextualism Defended
5     Contextualism Defended (and reply)
R.G. Collingwood
3     The Principles of Art
Stephen S. Colvin
6     The Common-Sense View of Reality
Mark Colyvan
21     Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics
Juan Comesaña
3     Reliabilism
Auguste Comte
13     Intro to Positive Philosophy
1     Course of Positive Philosophy
Arthur Conan Doyle
1     The Sign of Four
Earl Conee
4     First Things First
2     Contextualism Contested
3     Contextualism Contested (and reply)
E Conee / R Feldman
2     Evidentialism
2     Introduction to 'Evidentialism'
Collegium Conimbricense
2     Aristotelian commentaries
Benjamin Constant
2     On Political Reactions
2     Principles of Politics
David Conway
5     Capitalism and Community
Edward Conze
1     Intros to 'Buddhist Scriptures'
R Cook / P Ebert
1     Notice of Fine's 'Limits of Abstraction'
David E. Cooper
13     Philosophy and the Nature of Language
John M. Cooper
1     Aristotle on Friendship
Irving M. Copi
6     Essence and Accident
Fabrice Correia
2     On the Reduction of Necessity to Essence
5     Grounding: an opinionated introduction
Richard Corry
5     Dispositional Essentialism Grounds Laws of Nature?
John Cottingham
3     The Rationalists
1     Reason, Emotions and Good Life
12     Substance and Individuation in Leibniz
Edward Craig
1     Knowledge and the State of Nature
Tim Crane
42     Elements of Mind
3     Causation
Crates (Theb)
2     fragments/reports
William Crathorn
1     Sentences
2     fragments/reports
Jason Crease
1     works
Max J. Cresswell
7     Modal Logic
Roger Crisp
2     Interview with Baggini and Stangroom
Simon Critchley
10     Interview with Baggini and Stangroom
4     Continental Philosophy - V. Short Intro
10     Impossible Objects: interviews
2     fragments/reports
1     fragments/reports
Benedetto Croce
1     Aesthetic as Science of Expression
1     The Essence of Aesthetic
Adam Cross
1     works
Ralph Cudworth
8     On Eternal and Immutable Morality
1     Treatise of Freewill
Richard Cumberland
6     De Legibus Naturae
Gregory Currie
1     An Ontology of Art
Haskell B. Curry
3     Remarks on the definition and nature of mathematics
Chris Daly
3     Tropes
Antonio Damasio
1     Looking for Spinoza
1     fragments/reports
Adam Dance
1     works
Jonathan Dancy
52     Intro to Contemporary Epistemology
4     Intuitionism
1     Ethics without Principles
Arthur C. Danto
1     The Artworld
1     The Artworld
Charles Darwin
1     The Origin of the Species
Marian David
12     Truth-making and Correspondence
Donald Davidson
9     Action, Reasons and Causes
3     The Logical Form of Action Sentences
7     Causal Relations
5     Truth and Meaning
13     Mental Events
1     Freedom to Act
1     The Material Mind
5     The Individuation of Events
1     True to the Facts
2     Semantics for Natural Languages
1     In Defence of Convention T
4     The Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme
8     Thought and Talk
2     The Method of Truth in Metaphysics
5     Reality without Reference
2     Intending
3     What Metaphors Mean
3     Intro to 'Essays on Actions and Events'
9     Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge
1     Knowing One's Own Mind
1     Problems in the Explanation of Action
3     Epistemology Externalized
1     The Structure and Content of Truth
7     Three Varieties of Knowledge
15     Davidson on himself
9     Truth Rehabilitated
1     Replies to Critics
5     The Folly of Trying to Define Truth
32     Truth and Predication
Brian Davies
13     Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Stephen Davies
24     The Philosophy of Art (2nd ed)
William Davies
5     Review of 'The Price is Wrong' by B.Christophers
Augustus De Morgan
1     works
2     On the Syllogism IV
Richard Dedekind
4     Continuity and Irrational Numbers
23     Nature and Meaning of Numbers
1     Letter to Weber
Gilles Deleuze
1     Nietzsche and Philosophy
5     Difference and Repetition
3     Many Politics
12     A Conversation: what is it? What is it for?
1     The Actual and the Virtual
G Deleuze / F Guattari
14     What is Philosophy?
1     A Thousand Plateaus
54     fragments/reports
Democritus (attrib)
24     reports
Daniel C. Dennett
1     True Believers
10     Elbow Room: varieties of free will
24     Consciousness Explained
5     Daniel Dennett on himself
1     Darwin's Dangerous Idea
12     Kinds of Minds
8     Brainchildren
5     Sweet Dreams
2     Brainstorms:Essays on Mind and Psychology
2     works
1     Quining Qualia
Keith DeRose
6     The Case for Contextualism
Jacques Derrida
2     Implications
1     Of Grammatology
1     Semiology and Grammatology
2     Positions
3     later work
1     Différance
28     works
René Descartes
1     Rules for the Direction of the Mind
19     Rules for the Direction of the Mind
3     The World
22     A Discourse on Method
3     Letters to Mersenne
1     Letters to Voetius
115     Meditations
5     Reply to Fifth Objections
3     Reply to First Objections
1     Reply to Second Objections
1     Reply to Fourth Objections
2     Letters to Regius
7     works
1     Letters to Antoine Arnauld
1     unfinished dialogue
3     Reply to Sixth Objections
1     Letter to Mersenne
3     Comments on a Certain Broadsheet
23     Principles of Philosophy
4     Preface to 'Principles of Philosophy'
7     The Passions of the Soul
2     Two letters on mind
Michael Devitt
3     'Ostrich Nominalism' or 'Mirage Realism'?
3     There is no a Priori
2     There is No A Priori (and reply)
4     Resurrecting Biological Essentialism
3     Natural Kinds and Biological Realism
Keith Devlin
13     Goodbye Descartes
John Dewey
6     The Middle Works (15 vols, ed Boydston)
1     works
1     The Quest for Certainty
11     The Later Works (17 vols, ed Boydston)
1     On the Soul (frags)
George Dickie
1     The Myth of the Aesthetic Attitude
1     The New Institutional Theory of Art
1     Introduction to Aesthetics
Denis Diderot
1     works
Kenelm Digby
2     Two treatises
Wilhelm Dilthey
2     works
Diodorus Cronus
4     fragments/reports
Diogenes Laertius
7     Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Diogenes (Apoll)
10     fragments/reports
Diogenes (Bab)
3     fragments/reports
Diogenes (Sin)
9     reports
Andrew Dobson
9     Environmental Politics: very short intro
Keith Donnellan
8     Reference and Definite Descriptions
Cian Dorr
3     There Are No Abstract Objects
Trent Dougherty
3     Fallibilism
3     Experience First (and reply)
3     What is Knowledge-First Epistemology?
Andy Douglas
1     talk
Phil Dowe
3     Physical Causation
Fred Dretske
10     Naturalizing the Mind
1     Epistemic Operators
7     The Case against Closure (and reply)
Julia Driver
6     The Virtues and Human Nature
Curt Ducasse
8     Nature and Observability of Causal Relations
Pierre Duhem
2     The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory
Michael Dummett
5     Truth
2     Presupposition
2     works
1     Wang's Paradox
23     Frege Philosophy of Language (2nd ed)
5     The philosophical basis of intuitionist logic
11     The Justification of Deduction
2     Frege's Distinction of Sense and Reference
2     Elements of Intuitionism
1     Realism
9     Could There Be Unicorns?
27     Frege philosophy of mathematics
1     The Logical Basis of Metaphysics
1     Realism and Anti-Realism
21     Thought and Reality
7     The Philosophy of Mathematics
1     Elements of Intuitionism (2nd ed)
11     Truth and the Past
John Duns Scotus
1     Lectura
1     In Praed.
1     Oxford Commentary on Sentences
11     works
8     Ordinatio
2     In Metaphysics
Ian Dunt
5     How to be a Liberal
John Dupré
17     The Disorder of Things
Ronald Dworkin
3     Taking Rights Seriously
1     A Matter of Principle
Antony Eagle
4     Locke on Essences and Kinds
G Edelman / G Tononi
21     Consciousness: matter becomes imagination
Dorothy Edgington
1     Epistemic and Metaphysical Possibility
4     Two Kinds of Possibility
5     Do Conditionals Have Truth Conditions?
4     Conditionals
14     Conditionals (Stanf)
Douglas Edwards
4     Properties
Albert Einstein
10     works
1     The Evolution of Physics
Crawford L. Elder
5     Real Natures and Familiar Objects
Catherine Z. Elgin
3     Non-foundationalist epistemology
Elizabeth, Princess of Bohemia
1     Letters to Descartes
Roy Ellen
4     Anthropological Studies of Classification
1     Categories, Classification, Cogn. Anthropology
Brian Ellis
35     Scientific Essentialism
41     The Philosophy of Nature: new essentialism
5     Katzav on limitations of dispositions
25     The Metaphysics of Scientific Realism
1     Response to David Armstrong
Ralph Waldo Emerson
1     Self-Reliance
22     fragments/reports
Herbert B. Enderton
8     Elements of Set Theory
30     A Mathematical Introduction to Logic (2nd)
Pascal Engel
16     Truth
George Engelbretsen
14     Trees, Terms and Truth
8     Philosophical Logic: Intro to Advanced Topics
Friedrich Engels
1     Speeches in Elberfeld
7     comedies (frags)
40     The Discourses
1     fragments/reports
4     The Handbook [Encheiridion]
25     Letter to Herodotus
3     Letter to Pythocles
16     Letter to Menoeceus
11     Principle Doctrines ('Kuriai Doxai') (frags)
46     fragments/reports
Desiderius Erasmus
1     works
Michael Esfeld
1     Humean metaphysics vs metaphysics of Powers
John Etchemendy
2     Tarski on Truth and Logical Consequence
2     The Concept of Logical Consequence
3     fragments/reports
2     fragments/reports
12     Elements of Geometry
Leonhard Euler
1     Letters to a German Princess
1     The Bacchae
1     fragments/reports
Eustachius a Sancto Paulo
2     Summa
Gareth Evans
9     The Causal Theory of Names
6     Can there be Vague Objects?
1     Molyneux's Question
2     Reference and Contingency
5     The Varieties of Reference
A.C. Ewing
2     Idealism: a critical survey
1     The Definition of Good
David Fair
2     Causation and the Flow of Energy
Michael Faraday
1     Experimental Researches in Electricity
Graham Farmelo
3     The Strangest Man
Feferman / Feferman
12     Alfred Tarski: life and logic
R Feldman / E Conee
4     Evidentialism
J.H. Fetzer
4     A World of Dispositions
Ludwig Feuerbach
7     Towards a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy
1     Fragments on My Philosophical Development
8     Introduction of 'Essence of Christianity'
1     On 'The Beginning of Philosophy'
24     Principles of Philosophy of the Future
Paul Feyerabend
2     Against Method
Richard P. Feynman
4     The Character of Physical Law
Johann Fichte
2     Review of 'Aenesidemus'
13     The Science of Knowing (Wissenschaftslehre) [1st ed]
1     The Science of Rights
8     works
24     The Vocation of Man
Hartry Field
9     Tarski's Theory of Truth
1     Theory Change and the Indeterminacy of Reference
21     Science without Numbers
1     Realism, Mathematics and Modality
7     Apriority as an Evaluative Notion
4     Causation in a Physical World
1     Recent Debates on the A Priori
Kit Fine
11     Vagueness, Truth and Logic
5     Cantorian Abstraction: Recon. and Defence
8     Things and Their Parts
5     Neutral Relations
17     The Question of Realism
3     The Varieties of Necessity
11     The Limits of Abstraction
2     The Problem of Possibilia
9     Intro to 'Modality and Tense'
16     Necessity and Non-Existence
3     Our Knowledge of Mathematical Objects
4     Precis of 'Limits of Abstraction'
14     Replies on 'Limits of Abstraction'
5     In Defence of Three-Dimensionalism
18     Semantic Relationism
9     The Question of Ontology
2     Some Puzzles of Ground
6     Semantic Necessity
21     Guide to Ground
10     Vagueness: a global approach
1     Model Theory for Modal Logic I
2     Quine on Quantifying In
6     Aristotle on Matter
21     Essence and Modality
1     A Puzzle Concerning Matter and Form
12     Ontological Dependence
7     Senses of Essence
James Gordon Finlayson
3     Habermas
Roderick Firth
1     Sense Data and the Percept Theory
Jennifer Fisher
10     On the Philosophy of Logic
3     Capitalist Realism
Melvin Fitting
7     Intensional Logic
M Fitting/R Mendelsohn
44     First-Order Modal Logic
Richard Fitzralph
1     Sentences
Owen Flanagan
23     The Problem of the Soul
7     The Really Hard Problem
Antony Flew
3     Theology and Falsification
Pamela Foa
3     What's Wrong with Rape?
Jerry A. Fodor
1     How there could be a private language
27     Psychosemantics
3     Making Mind Matter More
7     Jerry A. Fodor on himself
12     Concepts:where went wrong
41     In a Critical Condition
41     LOT 2
2     The Language of Thought
1     The Modularity of Mind
5     works
30     The Elm and the Expert
J Fodor / E Lepore
1     Holism: a Shopper's Guide
Robert Fogelin
22     Walking the Tightrope of Reason
Richard Foley
1     The Theory of Epistemic Rationality
4     Justified Belief as Responsible Belief
Philippa Foot
3     Free Will as Involving Determinism
4     Moral Arguments
4     Moral Beliefs
2     Goodness and Choice
6     Abortion and the Doctrine of Double Effect
5     Morality and Art
1     Reasons for Actions and Desires
5     Morality as system of hypothetical imperatives
1     Reply to Professor Frankena
8     Virtues and Vices
3     Moral Relativism
1     Moral Realism and Moral Dilemma
7     Utilitarianism and the Virtues
3     Killing and Letting Die
6     Morality, Action, and Outcome
2     Nietzsche's Immoralism
4     Rationality and Virtue
2     Moral Dilemmas Revisited
3     Does Moral Subjectivism Rest on a Mistake?
14     Natural Goodness
1     Rationality and Goodness
9     Interview with Philippa Foot
Graeme Forbes
25     The Metaphysics of Modality
7     In Defense of Absolute Essentialism
Peter Forrest
1     Ways Worlds Could Be
Michel Foucault
2     Discipline and Punish
1     Space, Knowledge and Power (interview)
3     On the Genealogy of Ethics
8     Ethics of the Concern for Self as Freedom
1     Nietzsche, Genealogy, History
6     works
1     Power/Knowledge
1     What is Critique?
Bas C. van Fraassen
5     The Scientific Image
6     The Empirical Stance
Francis of Marchia
1     Commentary on Sentences
Harry G. Frankfurt
16     The Reasons of Love
7     Freedom of the Will and concept of a person
Benjamin Franklin
2     Advice to a Young Tradesman
Michael Frede
7     A Free Will
1     Individuals in Aristotle
1     Title, Unity, Authenticity of the 'Categories'
1     Intro to 'Rationality in Greek Thought'
Gottlob Frege
20     Begriffsschrift
1     Boole calculus and the Concept script
174     Grundlagen der Arithmetik (Foundations)
26     works
13     Function and Concept
9     On Concept and Object
33     On Sense and Reference
9     Grundgesetze der Arithmetik 1 (Basic Laws)
15     Review of Husserl's 'Phil of Arithmetic'
1     Elucidation of some points in E.Schröder
1     Logic [1897]
1     On Euclidean Geometry
3     Letters to Russell
12     Grundgesetze der Arithmetik 2 (Basic Laws)
4     Letters to Jourdain
20     Logic in Mathematics
13     The Thought: a Logical Enquiry
1     Sources of Knowledge of Mathematics
2     Rechnungsmethoden (dissertation)
Sigmund Freud
4     works
Miranda Fricker
8     Epistemic Injustice
Michèle Friend
41     Introducing the Philosophy of Mathematics
15     Dispositions and Powers
Roger Fry
11     An Essay in Aesthetics
Hans-Georg Gadamer
2     Truth and Method
1     On Medical Experience
1     An Outline of Empiricism
7     The soul's dependence on the body
2     On Hippocrates and Plato
1     On the Natural Faculties
Galileo Galilei
4     Il Saggiatore ('The Assayer')
1     Two Chief World Systems
André Gallois
4     Occasions of Identity
3     Identity over Time
David Galloway
1     lectures
Daniel Garber
2     Leibniz:Body,Substance,Monad
Sebastian Gardner
4     Aesthetics
6     Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason
Pierre Gassendi
1     Objections to 'Meditations' (Fifth)
1     Disquisitions
4     Syntagma
Carl Friedrich Gauss
1     Letter to Shumacher
Berys Gaut
6     The Ethical Criticism of Art
Peter Geach
1     Good and Evil
16     Mental Acts: their content and their objects
5     Reference and Generality (3rd ed)
5     Abstraction Reconsidered
Susan A. Gelman
32     The Essential Child
Gerhard Gentzen
1     Investigations into Logical Deduction
5     works
A.George / D.J.Velleman
41     Philosophies of Mathematics
Robert Geroch
1     Mathematical Physics
Edmund L. Gettier
1     Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?
Allan Gibbard
14     Contingent Identity
Andrew Gibson
1     talk
Harry Gildersleve
1     talk
Giles of Orleans
1     On 'Generation and Corruption'
Mary Louise Gill
3     Aristotle on Substance
Carol Gilligan
1     In a Different Voice
Carl Ginet
2     Infinitism not solution to regress problem
Rod Girle
15     Modal Logics and Philosophy
Stuart Glennan
7     Mechanisms
Hans-Johann Glock
4     What is Analytic Philosophy?
Jonathan Glover
6     Introductions to Utilitarianism and its Critics
Kurt Gödel
6     works
1     Completeness of Axioms of Logic
18     On Formally Undecidable Propositions
9     Russell's Mathematical Logic
6     What is Cantor's Continuum Problem?
Wolfgang von Goethe
7     Maxims and Reflections
Erving Goffman
1     Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
Peter Goldie
34     The Emotions
Alvin I. Goldman
4     What is Justified Belief?
1     The Internalist Conception of Justification
6     Phil Applications of Cognitive Science
5     Internalism Exposed
Nelson Goodman
1     The Problem of Counterfactual Conditionals
5     Fact, Fiction and Forecast (4th ed)
13     Ways of Worldmaking
6     The Structure of Appearance
4     Languages of Art (2nd edn)
1     The Languages of Art
1     Steps Towards a Constructive Nominalism
Adam Gopnik
19     A Thousand Small Sanities
3     fragments/reports
Geoffrey Gorham
9     Philosophy of Science
Gordon Graham
14     Eight Theories of Ethics
Antonio Gramsci
7     Selections from Prison Notebooks
John Gray
5     Seven Types of Atheism
7     Straw Dogs
A.C. Grayling
2     Russell
1     Wittgenstein
6     What is Good?
2     Among the Dead Cities
9     The Good State
John Greco
3     The Value Problem
T.H. Green
15     works
9     Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation
3     Prolegomena to Ethics
H. Paul Grice
3     Meaning
4     Some Models for Implicature
4     Logic and Conversation
2     Presupposition and Conversational Implicature
1     Reply to Richards
P Grice / P Strawson
1     In Defense of a Dogma
Stephen R. Grimm
3     Understanding
Robert Grosseteste
1     Commentary on 'Posterior Analytics'
Hugo Grotius
9     On the Law of War and Peace
Thomas Grundmann
7     Defeasibility Theory
Robert van Gulick
8     Mirror Mirror - Is That All?
Anil Gupta
4     Truth
12     Definitions
Gary Gutting
2     Foucault: a very short introduction
Susan Haack
2     Philosophy of Logics
Jürgen Habermas
2     Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action
1     Between Facts and Norms
1     On the Pragmatics of Communications
9     The Theory of Communicative Action
John Hacker-Wright
1     Philippa Foot's Moral Thought
Ian Hacking
8     The Emergence of Probability
11     What is Logic?
Pierre Hadot
3     Philosophy as a way of life
Volker Halbach
10     Axiomatic Theories of Truth (2005 ver)
47     Axiomatic Theories of Truth
10     Axiomatic Theories of Truth (2013 ver)
John Haldane
1     The Individual, the State, and the Common Good
Bob Hale
23     Abstract Objects
8     Absolute Necessities
1     Reals by Abstraction
5     The Source of Necessity
23     Necessary Beings
Bob Hale/ Aviv Hoffmann
1     Introduction to 'Modality'
B Hale / C Wright
8     Intro to 'The Reason's Proper Study'
5     Logicism in the 21st Century
10     The Metaontology of Abstraction
A.R. Hall
1     The Scientific Revolution 1500-1800
Michael Hallett
4     Introduction to Zermelo's 1930 paper
J.G. Hamann
2     works
Stuart Hampshire
1     Thought and Responsibility
Robert Hanna
28     Rationality and Logic
Eduard Hanslick
1     The Beautiful in Music
Yuval Noah Harari
29     Sapiens: brief history of humankind
Richard M. Hare
2     The Language of Morals
3     Freedom and Reason
5     Moral Thinking: Its Levels,Method and Point
10     Universal Prescriptivism
Gilbert Harman
1     Induction
29     Thought
6     Rationality
1     The Inference to the Best Explanation
2     Human Flourishing, Ethics and Liberty
10     Change in View: Principles of Reasoning
16     (Nonsolipsistic) Conceptual Role Semantics
1     The Intrinsic Quality of Experience
4     Moral Philosophy meets social psychology
Rom Harré
27     Laws of Nature
102     Causal Powers
H.L.A. Hart
10     Law,Liberty and Morality
3     The Concept of Law
William D. Hart
1     Hat-Tricks and Heaps
45     The Evolution of Logic
Verity Harte
7     Plato on Parts and Wholes
Sally Haslanger
8     Persistence, Change and Explanation
Katherine Hawley
39     How Things Persist
John Hawthorne
8     Causal Structuralism
1     Identity
4     The Case for Closure
4     Three-Dimensionalism v Four-Dimensionalism
F.A. Hayek
3     The Road to Serfdom
1     The Mirage of Social Justice
1     fragments/reports
Richard G. Heck
11     Cardinality, Counting and Equinumerosity
Georg W.F.Hegel
1     Oldest System Prog. of German Idealism
28     Phenomenology of Spirit
20     works
27     Science of Logic
46     Logic (Encyclopedia I)
2     Philosophy of Nature (Encylopedia II)
2     Philosophy of Mind (Encylopedia III)
3     Lectures on the Philosophy of Right
53     Elements of the Philosophy of Right
9     Lectures on Aesthetics
2     Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
1     Lectures on the History of Philosophy
2     Lectures on the Philosophy of (World) History
3     The Philosophy of History
8     Introduction to the Philosophy of History
Martin Heidegger
37     Being and Time
1     Martin Heidegger in conversation
2     Basic Problems of Phenomenology
1     On the Essence of Truth
1     The Origin of the Work of Art
1     Contributions of Philosophy (On Appropriation)
1     Contributions to Philosophy
John Heil
37     Philosophy of Mind
54     From an Ontological Point of View
7     Relations
43     The Universe as We Find It
Werner Heisenberg
1     Ancient Thought in Modern Physics
17     Physics and Philosophy
Geoffrey Hellman
3     Mathematics without Numbers
2     Structuralism
Hermann von Helmholtz
2     On the Conservation of Force
Carl Hempel
4     Aspects of Scientific Explanation
1     Philosophy of Natural Science
Robin F. Hendry
11     Chemistry
Henry of Ghent
4     Quodlibeta
36     fragments/reports
Johann Herbart
1     works
Johann Gottfried Herder
1     On Recent German Literature. Fragments
3     works
1     fragments/reports
1     The Histories
1     works
Gavin Hesketh
20     The Particle Zoo
Stephen Hetherington
1     The Gettier Problem
Arend Heyting
1     Intuitionism: an Introduction
John Hick
3     Theology and Verification
David Hilbert
4     Foundations of Geometry
1     Letter to Frege 29.12.1899
4     works
1     On the Concept of Number
2     On the Foundations of Logic and Arithmetic
6     Axiomatic Thought
10     On the Infinite
1     The Foundations of Mathematics
1     Principles of Theoretical Logic
David Hildebrand
1     Dewey
Nicholas Hill
1     Philosophia Epicurea
Hillel the Elder
1     reports
Jaakko Hintikka
2     Semantics for Propositional Attitudes
1     fragments/reports
1     Hippocrates of Cos on the mind
Thomas Hobbes
6     Human Nature
39     Leviathan
2     Letters to the Lord Marquis of Newcastle
1     Of Liberty and Necessity
40     De Corpore (Elements, First Section)
9     The Elements of Law
1     De Cive
1     De Mundo (On the World)
2     Letter to Bramhall
Harold Hodes
10     Logicism and Ontological Commits. of Arithmetic
Wilfrid Hodges
8     First-Order Logic
8     Model Theory
Carl Hoefer
1     The Metaphysics of Space-Time Substantivalism
J Hoffman/G Rosenkrantz
4     Platonistic Theories of Universals
Thomas Hofweber
10     Number Determiners, Numbers, Arithmetic
4     Inexpressible Properties and Propositions
3     Ambitious, yet modest, Metaphysics
30     Ontology and the Ambitions of Metaphysics
Lynn Holt
1     Apprehension: reason in absence of Rules
5     The Iliad
Brad W. Hooker
2     Prescriptivism
4     Rule Utilitarianism and Euthanasia
Richard Hooker
4     Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
Terence Horgan
6     From Supervenience to Superdupervenience
Max Horkheimer
1     works
Jennifer Hornsby
1     Actions
Leon Horsten
4     Philosophy of Mathematics
46     The Tarskian Turn
9     Mathematical Methods in Philosophy
Paul Horwich
2     Lewis's Programme
12     Truth (2nd edn)
2     Bayesianism
7     Stipulation, Meaning and Apriority
Vittorio Hösle
2     A Short History of German Philosophy
Keith Hossack
21     Plurals and Complexes
8     Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number
Stephen Houlgate
1     An Introduction to Hegel
GE Hughes/M Cresswell
4     An Introduction to Modal Logic
David Hume
60     Treatise of Human Nature
11     Treatise of Human Nature, + Appendix
85     Enquiry Conc Human Understanding
1     Of Miracles
3     That Politics may be reduced to a Science
2     Of the First Principles of Government
1     Of the Origin of Government
25     Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
13     Enquiry concerning Principles of Morals
4     Letters
1     Nine political essays
7     Of the original contract
1     Of Civil Liberty
2     Of the standard of taste
1     On suicide
Rosalind Hursthouse
1     Virtue Theory and Abortion
30     On Virtue Ethics
Edmund Husserl
7     Philosophy of Arithmetic
1     works
4     Logical Investigations
26     Ideas: intro to pure phenomenology
3     Formal and Transcendental Logic
3     Cartesian Meditations
Francis Hutcheson
14     Treatise 2: Virtue or Moral Good
6     Treatise 4: The Moral Sense
Will Hutton
5     This Time No Mistakes
T.H. Huxley
2     Method and Results
1     Life of Pythagoras
R.D. Ingthorsson
32     A Powerful Particulars View of Causation
Peter van Inwagen
1     An Essay on Free Will
1     Response to Slote
43     Material Beings
1     Existence,Ontological Commitment and Fictions
1     fragments/reports
1     works
3     23: Book of Isaiah
Frank Jackson
1     Conditionals and Possibilia
2     Statements about Universals
2     On Assertion and Indicative Conditionals
3     Epiphenomenal Qualia
27     From Metaphysics to Ethics
9     Conditionals
4     Possible Worlds and Necessary A Posteriori
1     Conditionals
3     What Mary Didn't Know
1     Three theses about dispositions
Friedrich Jacobi
2     Letters to Fichte
Jonathan D. Jacobs
13     A Powers Theory of Modality
Daniel Jacobson
8     Ethical Criticism and the Vice of Moderation
Dale Jacquette
22     Ontology
6     Intro to 'Philosophy of Logic'
1     Intro to I: Classical Logic
2     Intro to III: Quantifiers
Mark Jago
1     Paraconsistent Logic
William James
18     The Sentiment of Rationality
1     What is an Emotion?
1     The Will to Believe
2     Does Consciousness Exist?
20     Pragmatism - eight lectures
2     The Meaning of the Word "Truth"
3     The Pragmatist Account of Truth
Christopher Janaway
1     Schopenhauer
Karl Jaspers
11     Philosophy
Thomas Jefferson
1     U.S. Declaration of Independence
Richard Jeffrey
2     The Logic of Decision
Carrie Jenkins
17     Grounding Concepts
3     24: Book of Jeremiah
12     reports
William S. Jevons
1     The Principles of Science
Harold Joachim
1     The Nature of Truth
St John
2     23: First Epistle of John
1     25: Third Epistle of John
2     04: Gospel of St John
Eileen John
4     Artistic Value and Opportunistic Moralism
Paul Johnson
16     The History of the Jews
Samuel Johnson
1     works
P. Johnson-Laird
1     Mental Models
Nicholas Jolley
1     Leibniz
Jan-Erik Jones
1     Real Essence
Jack Joslin
1     talk
Joseph Joubert
15     Notebooks
James Joule
2     works
Michael Jubien
8     Ontology and Mathematical Truth
14     Analyzing Modality
30     Possibility
Yale Kamisar
2     Against Euthanasia
Immanuel Kant
1     Lectures on Ethics
219     Critique of Pure Reason
27     Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysic
5     Idea for a Universal History
1     Answer to 'What is Enlightenment?'
70     Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
1     Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
34     Critique of Practical Reason
15     Critique of Judgement I: Aesthetic
4     Critique of Judgement II: Teleological
14     True in Theory, but not in Practice
10     Perpetual Peace
3     Wiener Logik
13     Metaphysics of Morals I: Doctrine of Right
29     Metaphysics of Morals II:Doctrine of Virtue
2     On a supposed right to lie
1     Posthumous notes
David Kaplan
6     Transworld Heir Lines
1     Dthat
4     How to Russell a Frege-Church
2     Demonstratives
R Kaplan / E Kaplan
6     The Art of the Infinite
Jerrold J. Katz
9     Realistic Rationalism
R Keefe / P Smith
17     Intro: Theories of Vagueness
John Kekes
38     Against Liberalism
27     The Human Condition
Lord Kelvin (Wm Thomson)
2     works
Gary Kemp
4     Croce and Collingwood
Maynard Keynes
1     The General Theory of Employment
Søren Kierkegaard
2     Repetition
5     The Concept of Dread (/Anxiety)
1     works
1     Letter to Peter Wilhelm Lund
9     Either/Or: a fragment of life
2     Fear and Trembling
2     Philosophical Fragments
15     Concluding Unscientific Postscript
1     Works of Love
1     Sickness unto Death
7     The Journals of Kierkegaard
1     Attack Upon Christendom
Jaegwon Kim
1     Causes and Events: Mackie on causation
5     Causes and Counterfactuals
6     Events as property exemplifications
1     Psychophysical supervenience
1     Concepts of supervenience
1     Epiphenomenal and supervenient causation
1     What is 'naturalized epistemology'?
1     Mechanism, purpose and explan. exclusion
2     Postscripts on supervenience
67     Philosophy of Mind
22     Mind in a Physical World
Robert Kirk
15     Mind and Body
Richard L. Kirkham
7     Theories of Truth: a Critical Introduction
Philip Kitcher
32     The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge
4     A Priori Knowledge Revisited
Peter Klein
4     Infinitism solution to regress problem
Morris Kline
1     Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times
W Kneale / M Kneale
1     The Development of Logic
Peter Koellner
6     On the Question of Absolute Undecidability
Lawrence Kohlberg
1     works
Kongzi (Confucius)
8     The Analects (Lunyu)
Hilary Kornblith
1     Internalism and Externalism: a History
Christine M. Korsgaard
5     Aristotle and Kant on the Source of Value
1     Creating the Kingdom of Ends
5     Intro to 'Creating the Kingdom of Ends'
Kathrin Koslicki
5     Isolation and Non-arbitrary Division
22     The Structure of Objects
9     Essence, Necessity and Explanation
8     Varieties of Ontological Dependence
4     Form, Matter and Substance
Lawrence M. Krauss
9     A Universe from Nothing
Georg Kreisel
3     Hilbert's Programme
1     Aquinas, Thomas
U Kriegel / K Williford
5     Intro to 'Self-Representational Consciousness'
Saul A. Kripke
90     Naming and Necessity lectures
8     Identity and Necessity
14     Naming and Necessity notes and addenda
5     Outline of a Theory of Truth
1     A Puzzle about Belief
8     Naming and Necessity preface
6     Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language
4     A Completeness Theorem in Modal Logic
1     A Problem about Substitutional Quantification?
Leopold Kronecker
2     works
Peter (Pyotr) Kropotkin
1     Law and Authority
Thomas S. Kuhn
6     Structure of Scientific Revolutions (2nd ed)
3     Reflections on my Critics
Manjit Kumar
1     Quantum: Einstein and Bohr
Kenneth Kunen
11     Set Theory
1     The Foundations of Mathematics (2nd ed)
Joan Kung
5     Aristotle on Essence and Explanation
Wolfgang Künne
1     Conceptions of Truth
Martin Kusch
28     Knowledge by Agreement
Jonathan Kvanvig
1     The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding
4     Truth is not the Primary Epistemic Goal
2     Epistemic Justification
3     Virtue Epistemology
Henry E. Kyburg Jr
1     Probability and Logic of Rational Belief
Will Kymlicka
1     Liberal Individualism and Liberal Neutrality
29     Contemporary Political Philosophy (1st edn)
9     Community
22     Contemporary Political Philosophy (2nd edn)
Julien Offray de La Mettrie
9     Machine Man
A.R. Lacey
3     A Dictionary of Philosophy
Douglas Lackey
2     Intros to Russell's 'Essays in Analysis'
J Ladyman / D Ross
60     Every Thing Must Go
3     Introductions to 'Aesthetics and the Phil of Art'
Laozi (Lao Tzu)
15     Daodejing (Tao Te Ching)
Pierre Simon de Laplace
2     Philosophical Essay on Probability
Michael Lavers
1     talk
Shaughan Lavine
33     Understanding the Infinite
Henry Laycock
10     Words without Objects
Robin Le Poidevin
3     Interview with Baggini and Stangroom
30     Travels in Four Dimensions
Keith Lehrer
2     Theory of Knowledge (2nd edn)
3     Consciousness,Represn, and Knowledge
Gottfried Leibniz
1     Confessio naturae contra atheistas
2     Letters to Thomasius
1     Elements of Law and Justice
1     Aristotle and Descartes on Matter
1     Notes on John Wilkins
2     Letters to Foucher
1     Pacidius Philalethi dialogue
1     Meditatio de principio individui
1     Paper of December 1676
2     De arcanus motus
1     On Motion
2     Dialogue on Things and Words
3     Towards a Universal Characteristic
4     Conspectus libelli (book outline)
1     De Natura Corporis
2     Definitiones cogitationesque metaphysicae
3     Of Organum or Ars Magna of Thinking
2     Introduction to a Secret Encyclopaedia
1     Preface to Universal Characteristic
1     De aequopollentia causae et effectus
1     Calculus Ratiocinator
2     On Perceptions
1     Precepts for Advancing Science and Arts
4     Reflections on Knowledge, Truth and Ideas
3     De modo distinguendi phaenomena
42     Letters to Antoine Arnauld
3     A Specimen of Discoveries
1     Primary Truths
13     Discourse on Metaphysics
2     De Mundo Praesenti
1     True Method in Philosophy and Theology
1     Identity in Substances and True Propositions
2     On Sufficient Reason
2     A General Principle to Explain Laws of Nature
1     On the Reality of Accidents
4     On Freedom
1     Letter on Freedom
2     On Copernicanism and Relativity of Motion
1     Specimen inventorum
2     Notes on Comments by Fardella
2     The Nature and Communication of Substance
58     works
1     Letters to Fardella
1     Of liberty, Fate and God's grace
1     Human Freedom and Divine choice
3     Exigency to Exist in Essences
2     Letters to Paul Pellison-Fontinier
1     Letters to Jacques Lenfant
2     On Wisdom
1     Letters to Lelong
1     Reply to Foucher
1     De primae philosophiae emendatione
4     Dialogue on human freedom and origin of evil
5     New system of communication of substances
4     New System and Explanation of New System
1     On the Principles of Indiscernibles
7     On the Ultimate Origination of Things
3     A Résumé of Metaphysics
1     Letters to Bouvet
8     On Nature Itself (De Ipsa Natura)
2     Letter to the Editor about Bayle
4     Letters to Johann Bernoulli
5     Letters to Queen Charlotte
5     On Body and Force, Against the Cartesians
1     Reply to 'Rorarius' 2nd ed
1     Letters to Pierre Bayle
1     Letters to Varignon
2     Letters to Thomas Burnett
106     New Essays on Human Understanding
3     On Note L to Bayle's 'Rorarius'
7     Principle of Life and Plastic Natures
26     Letters to Burcher De Volder
2     Letters to Coste
1     Letters to Wagner
16     The Theodicy
2     Metaphysical conseqs of principle of reason
1     Geometrical Method and Metaphysics
5     Principles of Nature and Grace based on Reason
13     Letters to Des Bosses
1     Letters to Wolff
4     Letters to Remond de Montmort
1     Metaphysical Foundations of Mathematics
19     Monadology
15     Letters to Samuel Clarke
1     Letters to Samuel Masson
1     Against Barbaric physics
1     What is an Idea?
1     The Human Body is a sort of Machine
E.J. Lemmon
52     Beginning Logic
Jacques Lenfant
1     Letters to Leibniz
Armand Marie LeRoi
1     The Lagoon: how Aristotle invented science
Stanislaw Lesniewski
1     works
1     fragments/reports
Bert Leuridan
11     Can Mechanisms Replace Laws of Nature?
Emmanuel Levinas
2     works
Joseph Levine
3     Purple Haze
Claude Lévi-Strauss
1     works
David Lewis
2     An Argument for the Identity Theory
7     Counterpart theory and Quant. Modal Logic
4     Finkish dispositions
4     Defining 'Intrinsic' (with Rae Langton)
1     A world of truthmakers?
3     Forget the 'correspondence theory of truth'
1     Things qua Truthmakers
1     Anselm and Actuality
6     How to Define Theoretical Terms
3     Psychophysical and theoretical identifications
1     works
15     Causation
3     Counterfactuals
3     Possible Worlds
1     Probabilities of Conditionals
5     Attitudes De Dicto and De Se
1     Counterfactual Dependence and Time's Arrow
3     Mad Pain and Martian Pain
1     Subjectivist's Guide to Objective Chance
33     New work for a theory of universals
3     Extrinsic Properties
1     Survival and Identity, with postscript
1     Introduction to Philosophical Papers I
12     Causal Explanation
7     Events
35     Parts of Classes
5     Putnam's Paradox
1     Modal Realism at Work: Properties
17     Against Structural Universals
2     Comment on Armstrong and Forrest
94     On the Plurality of Worlds
2     Introduction to Philosophical Papers II
1     Rearrangement of Particles
1     Vague Identity: Evans misunderstood
4     Noneism or Allism?
5     Armstrong on combinatorial possibility
4     Many, but almost one
11     Mathematics is Megethology
12     Lewis: reduction of mind (on himself)
1     Should a materialist believe in qualia?
5     Elusive Knowledge
C.I. Lewis
7     A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori
1     Symbolic Logic (with Langford)
2     works
5     An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation
C.S. Lewis
1     works
Peter B. Lewis
2     Schopenhauer
Benjamin Libet
2     Unconscious Cerebral Initiative
David Liggins
3     Nihilism without Self-Contradiction
9     Truth-makers and dependence
Øystein Linnebo
5     Plural Quantification Exposed
10     Plural Quantification
9     Structuralism and the Notion of Dependence
8     Philosophy of Mathematics
Bernard Linsky
11     Russell's Metaphysical Logic
2     Quantification and Descriptions
Seymour Lipschutz
1     Set Theory and related topics (2nd ed)
Justus Lipsius
1     works
Peter Lipton
56     Inference to the Best Explanation (2nd)
John Locke
50     Second Treatise of Government
1     Letters to William Molyneux
227     Essay Conc Human Understanding (2nd Ed)
2     Letters to Edward Stillingfleet
Michael Lockwood
1     Identity and Reference
3     When Does a Life Begin?
20     Mind, Brain and the Quantum
Lawrence B. Lombard
1     Events
Beth Lord
2     Spinoza's Ethics
Michael J. Loux
6     Metaphysics: contemporary introduction
M Loux / D Zimmerman
1     Intro to Oxford Hndbk of Metaphysics
E.J. Lowe
7     Locke on Human Understanding
67     The Possibility of Metaphysics
45     Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
45     A Survey of Metaphysics
4     Individuation
6     Two Notions of Being: Entity and Essence
3     An essentialist approach to Truth-making
19     What is the Source of Knowledge of Modal Truths?
1     Lewis on Perdurance versus Endurance
1     Things
42     On the Nature of the Universe
Jan Lukasiewicz
1     Elements of Mathematical Logic
2     Ars Magna
Martin Luther
2     talk
William Lycan
6     The Trouble with Possible Worlds
24     Consciousness
5     Introduction - Ontology
8     Philosophy of Language
1     fragments/reports
4     The Impossibility of Superdupervenience
William Lyons
6     Approaches to Intentionality
Danielle Macbeth
4     Pragmatism and Objective Truth
Fraser MacBride
2     Structuralism Reconsidered
20     Truthmakers
3     Relations
Hugh MacColl
1     Symbolic Reasoning
Cynthia Macdonald
32     Varieties of Things
Ernst Mach
1     Popular Scientific Lectures
13     Thinking About Mechanisms
Edouard Machery
51     Doing Without Concepts
Niccolo Machiavelli
7     The Prince
2     The Discourses
Alasdair MacIntyre
11     A Short History of Ethics
27     After Virtue: a Study in Moral Theory
2     Whose Justice? Which Rationality?
J.L. Mackie
2     Evil and Omnipotence
1     Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong
9     Causes and Conditions
Penelope Mackie
18     How Things Might Have Been
Saunders MacLane
1     Mathematics: Form and Function
Penelope Maddy
8     Sets and Numbers
26     Naturalism in Mathematics
1     Second Philosophy
7     Defending the Axioms
11     Believing the Axioms I
4     Realism in Mathematics
Bryan Magee
1     Confessions of a Philosopher
Ofra Magidor
51     Category Mistakes
1     The Great Event
Naguib Mahfouz
1     works
Moses Maimonides
2     The Guide of the Perplexed
Norman Malcolm
1     Wittgenstein's 'Philosophical Investigations'
1     Anselm's Argument
Nicolas Malebranche
1     The Union of Body and Soul
2     The Search After Truth
Paolo Mancosu
1     Explanation in Mathematics
Ruth Barcan Marcus
9     Essential Attribution
13     Nominalism and Substitutional Quantifiers
Edwin D. Mares
13     A Priori
14     Negation
E Margolis/S Laurence
23     Concepts
St Mark
1     02: Gospel of St Mark
Ned Markosian
13     A Defense of Presentism
David Marshall
1     talk
Brian R. Martin
14     Particle Physics
C.B. Martin
28     The Mind in Nature
Michael Martin
3     Interview with Baggini and Stangroom
R Martin / J Barresi
4     Introduction to 'Personal Identity'
Karl Marx
3     Contrib to Critique of Hegel's Phil of Right
2     On the Jewish Question
5     Theses on Feuerbach
1     The Poverty of Philosophy
11     works
2     Capital Vol. 1
1     Capital Vol. 3
1     Grundrisse
5     Critique of the Gotha Program
K Marx / F Engels
24     The German Ideology
8     The Communist Manifesto
Keith T. Maslin
10     Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
Tim Maudlin
31     The Metaphysics within Physics
Barry Maund
8     Perception
Thomas Mautner
30     Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy
Tim Mawson
1     Animal Rights talk
Todd May
3     Gilles Deleuze
John Mayberry
31     What Required for Foundation for Maths?
J.R. Mayer
1     Remarks on the forces of inorganic Nature
John McDowell
5     Mind and World
Ian McFetridge
2     Truth, Correspondence, Explanation and Knowledge
10     Logical Necessity: Some Issues
Vann McGee
8     Logical Consequence
Colin McGinn
2     On the Necessity of Origin
1     The Structure of Content
19     Subjective View: sec qualities and indexicals
2     The Problem of Consciousness
8     The Mysterious Flame
40     Logical Properties
2     The Making of a Philosopher
Timothy McGrew
10     Evidence
Jeff McMahan
23     Killing in War
Alan McMichael
5     The Epistemology of Essentialist Claims
J.M.E. McTaggart
1     The Nature of Existence vol.1
10     The Nature of Existence vol.2
Quentin Meillassoux
25     After Finitude; the necessity of contingency
Alexius Meinong
6     The Theory of Objects
Alfred R. Mele
1     Springs of Action
Joseph Melia
17     Modality
4     fragments/reports
D.H. Mellor
5     Properties and Predicates
3     The Facts of Causation
DH Mellor / T Crane
4     There is no question of physicalism
DH Mellor / A Oliver
4     Introduction to 'Properties'
Dmitri Mendeleev
4     The Principles of Chemistry
1     fragments/reports
Mengzi (Mencius)
10     The Mengzi (Mencius)
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
2     Phenomenology of Perception
1     In Praise of Philosophy
Trenton Merricks
17     Propositions
28     Objects and Persons
2     Goodbye Growing Block
26     Truth and Ontology
Metrodorus (Chi)
1     Natural Science (lost)
Metrodorus (Lamp)
1     fragments/reports
5     The Fourth Revolution
John Stuart Mill
51     System of Logic
25     On Liberty
17     Utilitarianism
8     Nature and Utility of Religion
4     Representative Government
2     Examination of Sir Wm Hamilton's Philosophy
1     Autobiography
Alexander Miller
9     Philosophy of Language
David Miller
2     Community and Citizenship
Ruth Garrett Millikan
1     Varieties of Meaning
1     Thoughts without Laws
Tom Milsted
1     talk
Hermann Minkowski
1     Space and Time
Mirabeau and committee
8     Declaration of the Rights of Man
Cheryl Misak
1     Introduction to 'New Pragmatists'
12     Pragmatism and Deflationism
Alistair Mitchell
1     talk
Daniel M. Mittag
4     Evidentialism
1     fragments/reports
23     The Koran
George Molnar
38     Powers
Ray Monk
1     Bertrand Russell: Spirit of Solitude
2     Interview with Baggini and Stangroom
Richard Montague
1     English as a Formal Language
Michel de Montaigne
6     Apology for Raymond Sebond
1     I.7 Our deeds are judged by intention
1     III.12 On physiognomy
4     III.10 On Restraining your Will
1     I.39 On Solitude
1     On Cruelty
Baron de Montesquieu
56     The Spirit of the Laws (rev. 1757)
A.W. Moore
2     The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics
G.E. Moore
4     The Nature of Judgement
14     Principia Ethica
1     Some Main Problems of Philosophy
1     Proof of an External World
1     works
1     External and Internal Relations
1     Some Judgements of Perception
Henry More
1     Immortality of the Soul
Thomas More
5     Utopia
J.P. Moreland
24     Universals
Lloyd Morgan
1     Emergent Evolution
Sidney Morgenbesser
1     talk
Michael Morris
7     Guidebook to Wittgenstein's Tractatus
4     The Mozi
6     Truth-makers
Stephen Mumford
41     Dispositions
24     Laws in Nature
4     Metaphysics: a very short introduction
1     Contemporary Efficient Causation: Aristotelian themes
S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum
1     Dispositional Modality
46     Getting Causes from Powers
Iris Murdoch
5     The Sublime and the Good
15     The Sovereignty of Good
1     Against Dryness: a polemical sketch
1     Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals
Gregory L. Murphy
24     The Big Book of Concepts
Alan Musgrave
8     Logicism Revisited
1     teachings
1     Mahaprajnaparamitashastra
Thomas Nagel
3     The Absurd
2     Brain Bisection and Unity of Consciousness
5     What is it like to be a bat?
2     Moral Luck
8     Equality
1     The Fragmentation of Value
2     Panpsychism
5     Subjective and Objective
1     MacIntyre versus the Enlightenment
7     Equality and Partiality
1     The Philosophical Culture
1     The Psychophysical Nexus
24     The View from Nowhere
1     What Does It All Mean?
Ernest Nagel
1     The Structure of Science
E Nagel / JR Newman
1     Gödel's Proof
Alexander Nehamas
2     Episteme and Logos in later Plato
3     Introduction to 'Virtues of Authenticity'
Ram Neta
2     The Basing Relation
John von Neumann
5     On the Introduction of Transfinite Numbers
2     An Axiomatization of Set Theory
3     works
Otto Neurath
1     works
2     Protocol Sentences
New Scientist writers
26     New Scientist articles
41     Why the Universe Exists
Isaac Newton
1     Universal Arithmetick
41     Principia Mathematica
6     Letters to Bentley
1     Letters to Leibniz 1
1     Queries to the 'Opticks'
W.H. Newton-Smith
17     The Rationality of Science
Nicholas of Autrecourt
1     Tractatus
Friedrich Nietzsche
1     The Birth of Tragedy
1     On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense
30     Unpublished Notebooks 1872-74
1     Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks
55     Human, All Too Human
1     The Wanderer and his Shadow
48     Dawn (Daybreak)
33     The Gay (Joyful) Science
12     Unpublished Notebooks 1881-82
28     Unpublished Notebooks 1882-84
23     Thus Spake Zarathustra
31     Unpublished Notebooks 1884-85
25     Works (refs to 8 vol Colli and Montinari)
36     Beyond Good and Evil
31     Unpublished Notebooks 1885-86
27     On the Genealogy of Morals
77     Writings from Late Notebooks
78     The Will to Power (notebooks)
49     Twilight of the Idols
8     Ecce Homo
12     The Anti-Christ
Harold Noonan
9     Identity
Bryan van Norden
3     Intro to Classical Chinese Philosophy
Michael Novak
1     The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism
8     Miscellaneous Observations
10     Logological Fragments I
5     Logological Fragments II
1     Fath and Love, or the King and Queen
1     Teplitz Fragments
2     General Draft
5     Last Fragments
Robert Nozick
2     Philosophical Explanations
6     The Nature of Rationality
14     Anarchy,State, and Utopia
1     fragments/reports
Martha Nussbaum
1     Rawls and Feminism
1     The Golden Bowl, and Lit as Moral Philosophy
1     The Therapy of Desire
19     Creating Capabilities
D.J. O'Connor
8     The Correspondence Theory of Truth
David S. Oderberg
22     Real Essentialism
Paul O'Grady
24     Relativism
Samir Okasha
1     Darwinian Metaphysics: Species and Essentialism
10     Philosophy of Science: Very Short Intro (2nd ed)
Johanna Oksala
1     How to Read Foucault
4     Political Philosophy: all that matters
Alex Oliver
29     The Metaphysics of Properties
10     What are Sets and What are they For?
Peter John Olivi
1     Treatise on Quantity
3     Summa quaestionum super Sententias
Eric T. Olson
2     The Human Animal
Erik J. Olsson
6     Against Coherence
Alex Orenstein
14     W.V. Quine
Nicole Oresme
1     On 'Physics'
1     On 'Generation and Corruption'
Francesco Orsi
14     Value Theory
José Ortega y Gassett
2     Toward a Philosophy of History
Andreas Osiander
1     Preface to 'De Revolutionibus'
Robert Owen
1     works
Oxford Univ 1350
1     Oxford University Statutes
Thomas Paine
1     Rights of Man
William Paley
5     Natural Theology
4     fragments/reports
David Papineau
1     Reality and Representation
8     Philosophical Naturalism
1     Phenomenal and Perceptual Concepts
5     Philosophical Insignificance of A Priori Knowledge
39     Thinking about Consciousness
Derek Parfit
4     Personal Identity
8     The Unimportance of Identity
1     Reasons and Persons
27     fragments/reports
Charles Parsons
3     A Plea for Substitutional Quantification
1     Mathematical Intuition
3     Review of Tait 'Provenance of Pure Reason'
1     Frege's Theory of Numbers
Terence Parsons
1     Nonexistent Objects
Blaise Pascal
1     works
14     Pensées
Robert Pasnau
53     Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671
St Paul
2     06: Epistle to the Romans
1     09: Galatians
1     12: Colossians
1     06: Romans
1     10: Ephesians
L.A. Paul
9     In Defense of Essentialism
Christopher Peacocke
13     A Study of Concepts
1     Explaining the A Priori
1     Rationale and Maxims in Study of Concepts
6     Truly Understood
Giuseppe Peano
5     Principles of Arithmetic, by a new method
2     works
Charles Sanders Peirce
15     The Fixation of Belief
4     How to Make our Ideas Clear
1     What is a Leading Principle?
3     The Architecture of Theories
4     The Doctrine of Necessity Examined
11     works
1     On the Algebra of Logic
5     Concerning the Author
1     Logic as Semiotic: Theory of Signs
8     The Nature of Mathematics
1     The Approach to Metaphysics
40     Reasoning and the Logic of Things
8     Scientific Attitude and Fallibilism
2     Abduction and Induction
4     Criterion of Validity in Reasoning
3     Essentials of Pragmatism
2     Critical Common-Sensism
1     Issues of Pragmaticism
3     Pragmatism in Retrospect
Roger Penrose
1     Could a computer ever understand?
Franklin Perkins
1     Leibniz: Guide for the Perplexed
John Perry
1     The Same F
1     Reference and Reflexivity
6     The Problem of the Essential Indexical
14     Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness
St Peter
1     21: First Epistle of Peter
77     Db (lexicon)
118     Db (chronology)
16     Db (ideas)
2     fragments/reports
1     On Signs (damaged)
1     Herculaneum Papyrus
7     On the Cosmos (lost)
1     fragments/reports
Paul M. Pietroski
1     Events and Semantic Architecture
1     poems
Terry Pinkard
5     German Philosophy 1760-1860
Steven Pinker
10     The Blank Slate
1     reports
Ullin T. Place
2     Intentionality and the Physical: reply to Mumford
Alvin Plantinga
2     Free Will Defence
8     De Re and De Dicto
11     World and Essence
7     Transworld Identity or worldbound Individuals?
3     The Nature of Necessity
7     Actualism and Possible Worlds
1     De Essentia
4     Why Propositions cannot be concrete
1     Warrant and Proper Function
25     Philebus
2     The Apology
2     Laches
13     Protagoras
3     Euthyphro
8     Euthydemus
2     Lysis
3     Hippias Major
27     Gorgias
12     Meno
19     Cratylus
30     works
25     Phaedo
19     The Symposium
1     Clitophon*
92     The Republic
24     Phaedrus
37     Parmenides
33     Theaetetus
54     Timaeus
16     The Sophist
9     The Statesman
1     Letter Seven
45     The Laws
16     The Enneads
1     Life of Theseus
1     14: Superstition
1     26: Oracles in Decline
3     64: Gryllus - on Rationality in Animals
1     67: Platonic Questions
1     68: Generation of the soul in 'Timaeus'
1     72: Against Stoics on common Conceptions
6     74: Reply to Colotes
1     75: Is 'Live Unknown' a Wise Precept?
Henri Poincaré
1     On the Nature of Mathematical Reasoning
1     talk
1     Science and Hypothesis
1     The Value of Science
1     Science and Method
1     The Logic of Infinity
Thomas W. Polger
6     Natural Minds
Vassilis Politis
4     Aristotle and the Metaphysics
John L. Pollock
12     Epistemic Norms
J Pollock / J Cruz
22     Contemporary theories of Knowledge (2nd)
Richard Polt
2     Heidegger: an introduction
Karl Popper
9     The Logic of Scientific Discovery
1     Open Society and Its Enemies:Hegel and Marx
4     Conjectures and Refutations
1     A World of Propensities
1     Two Problems of Epistemology
Peter E. Pormann
1     Medical Conceptions of Health pre-Renaissance
21     Launching Points to the Realm of the Mind
1     Isagoge ('Introduction')
Demetris Portides
7     Models
2     fragments/reports
Richard Posner
1     Law, Pragmatism and Democracy
Michael Potter
14     Set Theory and Its Philosophy
17     The Rise of Analytic Philosophy 1879-1930
William Poundstone
7     Prisoner's Dilemma
Dag Prawitz
3     Gentzen's Analysis of First-Order Proofs
2     On the General Idea of Proof Theory
Huw Price
3     The Flow of Time
H.H. Price
3     Review of Aron 'Our Knowledge of Universals'
10     Thinking and Experience
Richard Price
1     works
H.A. Prichard
5     Does moral phil rest on a mistake?
4     What is the Basis of Moral Obligation?
Graham Priest
8     The Structure of Paradoxes of Self-Reference
1     works
1     What is so bad about Contradictions?
27     Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed)
Joseph Priestley
2     Theological and other works
Arthur N. Prior
4     The Runabout Inference Ticket
Duncan Pritchard
13     Epistemological Disjunctivism
2     Commentary on Euclid's 'Elements'
4     fragments/reports
17     fragments/reports
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
1     What is Property?
Marcel Proust
1     Remembrance of Things Past
Alexander R. Pruss
1     The Actual and the Possible
James Pryor
6     There is immediate Justification
Stathis Psillos
1     Scientific Realism
1     What do powers do when they are not manifested?
32     Causation and Explanation
Vincent C. Punzo
2     Morality and Human Sexuality
Hilary Putnam
1     Brains and Behaviour
1     The Mental Life of Some Machines
6     Mathematics without Foundations
8     The Nature of Mental States
14     Philosophy of Logic
6     Explanation and Reference
9     The Meaning of 'Meaning'
4     Models and Reality
22     Meaning and the Moral Sciences
1     Phil of Mathematics: why nothing works
2     What is innate and why
2     works
22     Reason, Truth and History
1     Why Reason Can't be Naturalized
5     Why there isn't a ready-made world
22     Representation and Reality
7     Meaning and Reference
1     What is Mathematical Truth?
1     The Thesis that Mathematics is Logic
3     The Philosophy of Logic
1     Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis
17     reports
Willard Quine
10     Truth by Convention
1     New Foundations for Mathematical Logic
2     Mathematical Logic (revised)
2     Whitehead and the Rise of Modern Logic
3     Lecture on Nominalism
29     On What There Is
2     On Mental Entities
29     works
7     The Ways of Paradox
12     Identity, Ostension, and Hypostasis
4     On Carnap's Views on Ontology
29     Two Dogmas of Empiricism
10     Mr Strawson on Logical Theory
5     Three Grades of Modal Involvement
9     Reference and Modality
9     Carnap and Logical Truth
3     The Scope and Language of Science
1     Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes
29     Word and Object
7     Speaking of Objects
2     On Simple Theories of a Complex World
1     Reply to Professor Marcus
10     Existence and Quantification
3     Russell's Ontological Development
1     Introduction to Russell's Theory of Types
7     Ontological Relativity
8     Epistemology Naturalized
19     Natural Kinds
25     Philosophy of Logic
3     Vagaries of Definition
1     Methodological Reflections on Current Linguistic Theory
4     On Multiplying Entities
1     Reply to Hellman
5     Five Milestones of Empiricism
4     On the Individuation of Attributes
6     Intensions Revisited
4     On the Nature of Moral Values
1     on Goodman's 'Ways of Worldmaking'
2     Has Philosophy Lost Contact with People?
2     What Price Bivalence?
1     Review of Parsons (1983)
1     Events and Reification
1     The Roots of Reference
1     On the Very Idea of a Third Dogma
2     Structure and Nature
1     Letters
1     Necessary Truth
1     Set Theory and its Logic
4     Propositional Objects
1     From Stimulus to Science
W Quine / J Ullian
1     The Web of Belief
Anthony Quinton
6     The Nature of Things
James Rachels
2     No Moral Difference
1     God and Human Attributes
1     Hymn to Perfect Wisdom
Adolph Rami
6     Essential vs Accidental Properties
15     Introduction: Truth and Truth-Making
Frank P. Ramsey
8     The Foundations of Mathematics
2     Truth and Probability
2     works
5     Law and Causality
1     Knowledge
3     Universals
2     Facts and Propositions
Hastings Rashdall
5     Theory of Good and Evil
John Rawls
1     Justice as fairness: Political not Metaphysical
14     A Theory of Justice
1     The Idea of Overlapping Consensus
2     Political Liberalism
1     The Law of Peoples
6     Introduction to 'Absolute Generality'
Stephen Read
7     Formal and Material Consequence
42     Thinking About Logic
François Recanati
36     Mental Files
8     Mental Files in Flux
E Reck / M Price
18     Structures and Structuralism in Phil of Maths
Hans Reichenbach
1     On Probability and Induction
1     The Theory of Relativity and A Priori Knowledge
Thomas Reid
1     An Enquiry
16     Essays on Intellectual Powers 3: Memory
4     Essays on Intellectual Powers 1: Preliminary
10     Essays on Intellectual Powers 2: Senses
4     Essays on Intellectual Powers 4: Conception
6     Essays on Intellectual Powers 5: Abstraction
11     Essays on Intellectual Powers 6: Judgement
10     Essays on Active Powers 1: Active power
4     Essays on Active Powers 3: Princs of action
6     Essays on Active Powers 4: Liberty of Agents
Marga Reimer
1     The Problem of Empty Names
Karl Leonhard Reinhold
1     Foundations of Philosophical Knowledge
8     Scientific Objectivity
Nicholas Rescher
1     Axioms for the Part Relation
1     Scepticism
1     Process Metaphysics
1     Logical Analysis of Gestalt Concepts
Michael D. Resnik
8     Maths as a Science of Patterns
Georges Rey
60     Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
9     The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction
David van Reybrouck
10     Against Elections
John Richardson
5     Nietzsche's System
Paul Ricoeur
1     works
David Robb
2     Substance
Howard Robinson
26     Perception
T.M. Robinson
1     Classical Cosmology (frags)
Michael della Rocca
1     Essentialists and Essentialism
La Rochefoucauld
8     Maxims
Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra
1     Resemblance Nominalism and Russell's Regress
1     Resemblance Nominalism: a solution to universals
[Roman law]
1     Roman Law
David Roochnik
16     The Tragedy of Reason
Richard Rorty
15     Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
1     Brandom on Social Practices and Representations
Gideon Rosen
8     Abstract Objects
11     The Limits of Contingency
10     Metaphysical Dependence
David M. Rosenthal
1     Instrospection
W. David Ross
40     The Right and the Good
Marcus Rossberg
10     First-order Logic, 2nd-order, Completeness
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
43     Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
86     The Social Contract (tr Cress)
2     Emile: treatise on education
1     The Confessions
Carlo Rovelli
14     Reality is Not What it Seems
Mark Rowlands
16     Externalism
David-Hillel Ruben
8     Explaining Explanation
Lynne Rudder Baker
6     Why Constitution is not Identity
Ian Rumfitt
11     Logical Necessity
37     The Boundary Stones of Thought
4     "Yes" and "No"
2     Concepts and Counting
2     The Logic of Boundaryless Concepts
Bertrand Russell
2     Foundations of Geometry
1     Explanations in reply to Mr Bradley
1     The Philosophy of Leibniz
4     Mathematics and the Metaphysicians
4     Letters to Frege
92     The Principles of Mathematics
13     Meinong on Complexes and Assumptions
46     On Denoting
3     Review: Meinong 'Untersuchungen zur..'
2     Difficulties of Transfinite Numbers and Types
4     Substitutional Classes and Relations
3     On 'Insolubilia' and their solution
1     Papers of 1906
1     Review: Meinong 'Uber die Stellung...'
12     Regressive Method for Premises in Mathematics
9     Mathematical logic and theory of types
2     On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood
5     The Theory of Logical Types
2     Knowledge by Acquaintance and Description-1
2     On Relations of Universals and Particulars
2     Philosophical Implications of Mathematical logic
87     Problems of Philosophy
7     On the Notion of Cause
4     The Theory of Knowledge
13     Political Ideals
3     Vagueness
1     Intro to 2nd ed of Principia Mathematica
1     Papers of 1913
18     The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics
1     On the Nature of Acquaintance
21     Our Knowledge of the External World
9     The Ultimate Constituents of Matter
32     The Philosophy of Logical Atomism
1     Papers of 1918
54     Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
9     On Propositions: What they are, and Meaning
6     The Analysis of Mind
14     Logical Atomism
5     The Analysis of Matter
9     An Outline of Philosophy
5     The Conquest of Happiness
15     An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth
5     Human Knowledge: its scope and limits
18     Authority and the Individual
4     Philosophy and Politics
1     Is Mathematics purely Linguistic?
1     Human Society in Ethics and Politics
3     Mr Strawson on Referring
23     My Philosophical Development
B Russell/AN Whitehead
26     Principia Mathematica
Gilbert Ryle
13     Are there propositions?
1     Categories
11     The Concept of Mind
1     works
Rüdiger Safranski
1     Nietzsche: a philosophical biography
Dorion Sagan
1     Cosmic Apprentice
Mark Sainsbury
5     Concepts without Boundaries
6     The Essence of Reference
Wesley Salmon
3     Causality: Production and Propagation
1     Statistical Explanation
1     Probabilistic Causality
2     Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World
1     Causality and Explanation
1     Causal Connections
20     Four Decades of Scientific Explanation
Nathan Salmon
6     Reference and Essence (1st edn)
27     The Logic of What Might Have Been
2     Reference and Essence: seven appendices
Michael J. Sandel
2     Liberalism and the Limits of Justice
5     Procedural republic and unencumbered self
3     Beyond Individualism
4     The Limits of Communitarianism
19     Justice: What's the right thing to do?
David H. Sanford
2     Causation
George Santayana
1     The Life of Reason
1     Platonism and the Spiritual Life
1     The Realm of Matter
Jean-Paul Sartre
21     Transcendence of the Ego
6     Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
11     Being and Nothingness
1     Anti-Semite and Jew
1     works
1     The Communists and Peace
16     Existentialism and Humanism
Sarah Sawyer
5     Empty Names
Thomas M. Scanlon
1     What We Owe to Each Other
Eric R. Scerri
28     The Periodic Table
Jonathan Schaffer
27     The Metaphysics of Causation
8     Causation and Laws of Nature
12     On What Grounds What
2     Deflationary Metaontology of Thomasson
5     Grounding, Transitivity and Contrastivity
Samuel Scheffler
1     The Rejection of Consequentialism
Chistoph Scheibler
1     Metaphysics
Friedrich Schelling
1     Letters to Hegel
4     Outline of a System of the Philosophy of Nature
1     On the Essence of Human Freedom
3     Of Human Freedom
1     The Ages of the World
1     Philosophy of Revelation
Stephen Schiffer
2     Contextualist Solutions to Scepticism
Friedrich Schiller
2     works
Friedrich Schlegel
6     works
Friedrich Schleiermacher
2     works
1     Dialektik
Moritz Schlick
1     Positivism and Realism
Benjamin Schnieder
1     Truth-making without Truth-makers
Jonathan Schofield
1     talk
Moses Schönfinkel
1     Building Blocks of Mathematical Logic
Arthur Schopenhauer
8     Fourfold Root of Princ of Sufficient Reason
6     Abstract of 'The Fourfold Root'
43     The World as Will and Idea
3     On the Basis of Morality
1     On the Freedom of the Will
24     Parerga and Paralipomena
3     Manuscript remains
Laura Schroeter
19     Two-Dimensional Semantics
Peter Schulte
12     Mental Content
Gottlob Schulze
1     Aenesidemus
Stephen P. Schwartz
4     Intro to Naming,Necessity and Natural Kinds
Roger Scruton
3     Representation in Music
2     Recent Aesthetics in England and America
4     Short History of Modern Philosophy
2     The Nature of Musical Expression
5     Laughter
8     A Dictionary of Political Thought
5     Public Text and Common Reader
5     Upon Nothing: Swansea lecture
29     Modern Philosophy:introduction and survey
33     Animal Rights and Wrongs
11     Beauty: a very short introduction
John Searle
5     Proper Names
61     The Rediscovery of the Mind
13     The Mystery of Consciousness
34     Rationality in Action
3     Minds, Brains and Science
Gabriel M.A. Segal
18     A Slim Book about Narrow Content
Johanna Seibt
3     Process Philosophy
Wilfrid Sellars
3     Does Emp.Knowledge have Foundation?
1     Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind
2     Philosophy and Scientific Image of Man
Amartya Sen
23     The Idea of Justice
Seneca the Younger
32     Letters from a Stoic
3     On Providence
4     On Anger (Book 3)
9     On the Happy Life
Anil Seth
7     Being You
Sextus Empiricus
5     Against the Logicians (two books)
2     Against the Mathematicians
5     Against the Professors (six books)
37     Outlines of Pyrrhonism
4     Against the Ethicists (one book)
20     Against the Physicists (two books)
3rd Earl of Shaftesbury
7     Inquiry Concerning Virtue or Merit
1     Characteristics
William Shakespeare
2     Julius Caesar
1     Henry V
1     Much Ado About Nothing
Scott Shalkowski
1     Ontological Ground of Alethic Modality
6     Essence and Being
Stewart Shapiro
50     Foundations without Foundationalism
64     Philosophy of Mathematics
15     Thinking About Mathematics
12     Higher-Order Logic
1     Structure and Ontology
Sydney Shoemaker
1     Self, Body and Coincidence
2     Personal Identity and Memory
33     Causality and Properties
3     Introspection
10     Causal and Metaphysical Necessity
Andrew Shorten
17     Contemporary Political Theory
Jeffrey H. Sicha
3     Counting and the Natural Numbers
Alan Sidelle
22     Necessity, Essence and Individuation
Theodore Sider
1     Reductive Theories of Modality
45     Logic for Philosophy
29     Four Dimensionalism
49     Writing the Book of the World
Henry Sidgwick
4     The Methods of Ethics (7th edn)
Ori Simchen
4     The Barcan Formula and Metaphysics
Peter Simons
69     Parts
1     Particulars in Particular Clothing
3     Events
2     Modes of Extension: comment on Fine
1     Whitehead: process and cosmology
Peter Singer
2     Marx
Thoralf Skolem
1     works
4     Remarks on axiomatised set theory
J.J.C. Smart
2     Outline of a System of Utilitarianism
12     Explanation - Opening Address
Timothy Smiley
1     Conceptions of Consequence
Adam Smith
1     The Theory of Moral Sentiments
2     The Wealth of Nations
Barry Smith
1     Truth-maker Realism
1     Truth-maker Realism: response to Gregory
Michael Smith
20     The Moral Problem
Peter Smith
44     Intro to Gödel's Theorems
Scott Soames
6     Significance of the Kripkean Nec A Posteriori
2     Why Propositions Aren't Truth-Supporting Circumstance
9     Philosophy of Language
Elliott Sober
1     Mathematics and Indispensibility
44     reports of career
9     reports of last days
Robert C. Solomon
26     The Passions
1     reports
Fred Sommers
1     Types and Ontology
9     Intellectual Autobiography
Will Sommers
20     talk
1     Women of Trachis
Richard Sorabji
2     Rationality
Roy Sorensen
20     Vagueness and Contradiction
Ernest Sosa
6     The Raft and the Pyramid
10     Beyond internal Foundations to external Virtues
4     Varieties of Causation
E Sosa / M Tooley
6     Introduction to 'Causation'
Oswald Spengler
1     The Decline of the West
2     thirty titles (lost)
1     fragments/reports
Baruch de Spinoza
1     Letters to De Vries
3     Letters to Oldenburg
33     Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
1     Letters to Hugo Boxel
1     Letter to G.H. Schaller
2     Improvement of Understanding
177     The Ethics
2     Letters to Blijenburgh
Robert C. Stalnaker
1     works
2     Assertion
2     A Theory of Conditionals
1     Possible Worlds
6     Anti-essentialism
5     Counterparts and Identity
11     Reference and Necessity
8     Conceptual truth and metaphysical necessity
27     Mere Possibilities
2     Merely Possible Propositions
Michael Stanford
3     Explanation: the state of play
Daniel Statman
10     Introduction to Virtue Ethics
Mark Steiner
3     Mathematical Explanation
Charles Leslie Stevenson
1     Ethics and Language
Matthew Stewart
1     The Courtier and the Heretic
Stephen P. Stich
2     The Fragmentation of Reason
1     fragments/reports
Max Stirner
1     The Ego and Its Own
Stoic school
91     fragments/reports
G.F. Stout
1     The Nature of Universals and Propositions
Rowland Stout
34     Action
Galen Strawson
1     The Secret Connexion
Peter F. Strawson
6     Individuals:Essay in Descript Metaphysics
8     On Referring
2     Entity and Identity
4     Truth
Michael Strevens
3     No Understanding without Explanation
Scott Sturgeon
6     Matters of Mind
Francisco Suárez
16     Disputationes metaphysicae
2     works
Lars Svendsen
11     A Philosophy of Boredom
Jonathan Swift
1     Letters to a Young Clergyman
24     Political Philosophy (3rd ed)
Chris Swoyer
19     Properties
4     Abstract Entities
Zoltán Gendler Szabó
4     Nominalism
Tuomas E. Tahko
4     The Epistemology of Essence (draft)
William W. Tait
8     Frege versus Cantor and Dedekind
1     Intro to 'Provenance of Pure Reason'
Jonathan Tallant
8     Metaphysics: an introduction
Alfred Tarski
36     The Concept of Truth for Formalized Languages
4     The Concept of Logical Consequence
7     The Establishment of Scientific Semantics
24     The Semantic Conception of Truth
6     works
2     talk
A.E. Taylor
1     Vindication of Religion (extract)
Charles Taylor
8     Atomism
9     Sources of the Self
Richard Taylor
8     Virtue Ethics: an Introduction
Jenny Teichmann
4     The Mind and the Soul
F.R. Tennant
1     Philosophical Theology
2     works
Paul Thagard
6     Explanatory Coherence
7     Coherence: The Price is Right
5     fragments/reports
Leslie H. Tharp
16     Which Logic is the Right Logic?
1     Chapters on Scepticism
1     On Metaphysics (frags)
1     On the Senses
C.J. Thomae
1     works
Amie L. Thomasson
21     Ordinary Objects
Judith (Jarvis) Thomson
8     A Defense of Abortion
1     Parthood and Identity across Time
1     People and Their Bodies
1     fragments/reports
1     On Sensations (frags)
Alexis de Tocqueville
15     Democracy in America (abr Renshaw)
Franciscus Toletus
1     Commentary on 'De Anima'
Leo Tolstoy
7     What is Art?
Ferdinand Tönnies
1     Community and Association
Michael Tooley
2     Causality: Reductionism versus Realism
9     Causation and Supervenience
Richard Tuck
1     Hobbes
31     This is Political Philosophy
Alan Turing
1     works
2     Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Michael Tye
1     Adverbial Theory
Sara L. Uckelman
1     Dynamic Logics
Miguel de Unamuno
1     The Tragic Sense of Life
Peter Unger
3     Ignorance: a Case for Scepticism
2     There are no ordinary things
J.O. Urmson
1     Philosophical Analysis
Hamid Vahid
9     Externalism/Internalism
Anand Vaidya
8     Understanding and Essence
1     The Epistemology of Modality
Julio Cesare Vanini
1     Amphitheatrum
Achille Varzi
11     Mereology
Oswald Veblen
1     Presidential Address of Am. Math. Soc
Victor Velarde-Mayol
3     On Husserl
Koen Vervloesem
1     Barcan Formulae
Godfrey Vesey
1     Collins Dictionary of Philosophy
Barbara Vetter
34     Potentiality
8     Essence and Potentiality
1     Dispositional Essentialism and the Laws of Nature
Francis de Vitoria
4     On the Law of War
Gregory Vlastos
1     Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher
Francois-Marie Voltaire
1     Philosophical Letters from England
Kurt Vonnegut
1     Slaughterhouse Five
Michal Walicki
19     Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Wallace, J
1     On the Frame of Reference
Michael Walzer
25     Just and Unjust Wars
3     Spheres of Justice
Mary Anne Warren
1     On the Moral and Legal State of Abortion
Ryan Wasserman
5     Material Constitution
Robin Waterfield
1     Introduction to 'Hippias Minor'
Peter Watson
21     Ideas
11     Convergence
J.B. Watson
1     Behaviorism
Max Weber
6     The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
2     'Objectivity' in Social Sciences and Social Policy
2     works
1     Economy and Society
Michael V. Wedin
3     Aristotle's Theory of Substance
Karl Weierstrass
2     works
Simone Weil
5     Prospects: Proletarian Revolution?
6     Lect 1: Materialist Viewpoint
4     Lect 4: Ethics and Aesthetics
2     Philosophy
2     God in Plato
18     Human Personality
10     Reflections on Liberty and Social Oppression
2     The Iliad or the Poem of Force
4     Letters
1     Prerequisite to Dignity of Labour
6     Reflections on Value
4     On the Concept of Character
1     Literature and Morals
2     The Scientific Image
1     The Work of a Free Person
39     Gravity and Grace
11     Draft Statement of Human Obligations
21     The Need for Roots
4     Is There a Marxist Doctrine?
3     Lect 2: Discovery of Mind
3     Lect 3: Politics and Society
5     The Power of Words
1     Fragments
1     Friendship
Steven Weinberg
1     Lecture on Applicability of Mathematics
Joan Weiner
1     Frege
11     Philosophy of Chemistry
Luke Westaway
3     talk
Jan Westerhoff
14     Ontological Categories
Hermann Weyl
1     works
1     Phil of Mathematics and Natural Science
William Whewell
1     The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences
Dennis Whitcomb
1     Wisdom
Nicholas P. White
2     What Numbers Are
Roger M. White
1     Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus'
Alfred North Whitehead
5     Process and Reality
Benjamin Lee Whorf
3     An American Indian model of the Universe
1     Punctual and segmentive Hopi verbs
David Wiggins
29     Sameness and Substance
14     Substance
39     Sameness and Substance Renewed
1     Identity and Spatio-Temporal Continuity
Oscar Wilde
3     Preface to 'Dorian Gray'
William of Ockham
3     Summula philosophiae naturalis
1     Predest.,God's foreknowledge and contingents
1     Commentary on the Sentences
2     Prologue to Ordinatio
2     Ordinatio
9     Summa totius logicae
2     Tractatus de corpore Christi
2     Reportatio
6     Seven Quodlibets
5     works
3     Expositio super viii libros
Bernard Williams
1     Personal Identity and Individuation
4     The Idea of Equality
2     Ethical consistency
5     Morality and the emotions
1     Consistency and realism (with 1972 note)
2     Are Persons Bodies?
1     works
5     A Critique of Utilitarianism
1     The Truth in Relativism
3     Persons, Character and Morality
1     Moral Luck
1     Internal and External Reasons
1     Practical Necessity
25     Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
2     How free does the will need to be?
10     Shame and Necessity
Donald C. Williams
3     On the Elements of Being: I
Michael Williams
5     Without Immediate Justification
29     Problems of Knowledge
Neil E. Williams
23     The Powers Metaphysics
Timothy Williamson
2     Review of Bob Hale's 'Abstract Objects'
12     Truthmakers and Converse Barcan Formula
2     Knowledge and its Limits
6     Interview with Baggini and Stangroom
1     Necessary Existents
13     The Philosophy of Philosophy
6     Modal Logic within Counterfactual Logic
1     Laudatio: Prof Ruth Barcan Marcus
1     Modal Logic as Metaphysics
11     Knowledge First (and reply)
41     Vagueness
Edmund O. Wilson
1     Sociobiology
12     On Human Nature
1     Consilience
N.L. Wilson
1     Substances without Substrata
15     Action
W Wimsatt/W Beardsley
6     The Intentional Fallacy
Johann Winckelmann
1     History of Ancient Art
Charlotte Witt
6     Substance and Essence in Aristotle
Ludwig Wittgenstein
1     Notes on Logic
9     Notebooks 1914-1916
3     Letters to Russell
100     Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
3     Philosophical Remarks
35     Lectures 1930-32 (student notes)
2     Philosophical Grammar
1     talk
1     works
2     Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics
2     The Blue and Brown Notebooks
1     Culture and Value
3     On Certainty
53     Philosophical Investigations
3     Zettel
Robert S. Wolf
19     A Tour through Mathematical Logic
Christian Wolff
2     works
Jonathan Wolff
32     An Introduction to Political Philosophy (Rev)
Stephen Wolfram
2     A New Kind of Science
Richard Wollheim
16     Art and Its Objects
Mary Wollstonecraft
1     Vindication of the Rights of Women
James Woodward
1     Making Things Happen
Crispin Wright
36     Frege's Concept of Numbers as Objects
2     Inventing Logical Necessity
Chauncey Wright
1     talk
G.H. von Wright
7     Logic and Epistemology of Causal Relations
John Wycliff
2     De ente praedicamentali
1     fragments/reports
6     fragments/reports
1     Apology of Socrates
1     Symposium
Xunzi (Xun Kuang)
2     The Xunzi
Stephen Yablo
1     Identity, Essence and Indiscernibility
1     Paradox without Self-Reference
3     Does Ontology Rest on a Mistake?
7     Apriority and Existence
2     Go Figure: a Path through Fictionalism
4     Abstract Objects: a Case Study
1     Carving Content at the Joints
14     Aboutness
Frances A. Yates
2     Giordano Bruno and Hermetic Tradition
Iris Marion Young
1     On Female Body Experience
James O. Young
9     The Coherence Theory of Truth
Palle Yourgrau
5     Sets, Aggregates and Numbers
Jacob Zabarella
2     De rebus naturalibus
Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski
34     Virtues of the Mind
José L. Zalabardo
18     Introduction to the Theory of Logic
Edward N. Zalta
2     Abstract Objects:intro to Axiomatic Metaphysics
2     Deriving Kripkean Claims with Abstract Objects
Zeno (Citium)
27     fragments/reports
Zeno (Elea)
7     fragments/reports
Ernst Zermelo
1     Proof that every set can be well-ordered
14     Investigations in the Foundations of Set Theory I
1     New Proof of Possibility of Well-Ordering
2     works
3     On boundary numbers and domains of sets
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)
15     The Book of Chuang Tzu
Dean W. Zimmerman
3     Distinct Indiscernibles and the Bundle Theory
Jens Zimmermann
6     Hermeneutics: a very short introduction
Slavoj Zizek
5     Conversations, with Glyn Daly
3     The Gathas (seventeen hymns)