Single Idea 12615

[catalogued under 18. Thought / C. Content / 2. Ideas]

Full Idea

The idea that there are mental representations is the idea that there are Ideas minus the idea that Ideas are images.


'Ideas' (with a capital 'I') is the word as used in the eighteenth century

Gist of Idea

Mental representations are the old 'Ideas', but without images


Jerry A. Fodor (Concepts:where went wrong [1998], Ch.1)

Book Reference

Fodor,Jerry A.: 'Concepts: where cognitive science went wrong' [OUP 1998], p.8

A Reaction

Good for you, Fodor. I've always thought that the vociferous contempt with which modern philosphers refer to the old notion of 'Ideas' was grossly exaggerated. At last someone puts a clear finger on what seems to be the difficulty.