Single Idea 13740

[catalogued under 11. Knowledge Aims / B. Certain Knowledge / 2. Common Sense Certainty]

Full Idea

A 'Moorean certainty' is when something is more credible than any philosopher's argument to the contrary.

Gist of Idea

'Moorean certainties' are more credible than any sceptical argument


Jonathan Schaffer (On What Grounds What [2009], 2.1)

Book Reference

'Metametaphysics', ed/tr. Chalmers/Manley/Wasserman [OUP 2009], p.357

A Reaction

The reference is to G.E. Moore's famous claim that the existence of his hand is more certain than standard sceptical arguments. It sounds empiricist, but they might be parallel rational truths, of basic logic or arithmetic.