Single Idea 13982

[catalogued under 19. Language / D. Propositions / 6. Propositions Critique]

Full Idea

All the arguments for the subsistence of true propositions seem to hold good for the subsistence of false ones. We might even have to find room for absurd or nonsensical ones like 'some round squares are not red-headed'.

Gist of Idea

If we accept true propositions, it is hard to reject false ones, and even nonsensical ones


Gilbert Ryle (Are there propositions? [1930], 'Objections')

Book Reference

Ryle,Gilbert: 'Collected Essays 2 1929-1968' [Routledge 2009], p.25

A Reaction

A particularly nice example of a Category Mistake from the man who made them famous. Why can't we just make belief a proposition attitude, so I equally believe 'sea is blue', 'grass is pink' and 'trees are bifocal', but the status of my belief varies?