Single Idea 14524

[catalogued under 9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 5. Individuation / b. Individuation by properties]

Full Idea

Epicurus said that body was conceived as an aggregate of shape and size and resistance and weight.

Gist of Idea

Bodies are combinations of shape, size, resistance and weight


Epicurus (Principle Doctrines ('Kuriai Doxai') (frags) [c.290 BCE])

Book Reference

Epicurus: 'The Epicurus Reader', ed/tr. Inwood,B. /Gerson,L. [Hackett 1994], p.89

A Reaction

[Source Sextus 'Adversus Mathematicos' 10.257] Note that this is how we 'conceive' them. They might be intrinsically different, except that Epicurus is pretty much a phenomenalist.