Full Idea
The argument for fundamental powers is that fundamental particles are simple, without internal structure. Hence they have no parts which can be the bearers of further properties (powers or non-powers) which in turn ground the properties of the particles.
Gist of Idea
Powers are claimed to be basic because fundamental particles lack internal structure
Stathis Psillos (What do powers do when they are not manifested? [2006], p.151), quoted by Anna Marmodoro - Do powers need powers to make them powerful? 'The Problem'
Book Reference
'The Metaphysics of Powers', ed/tr. Marmodoro,Anna [OUP 2013], p.27
A Reaction
If a power is basic, what has the power? I think the best answer is that at the fundamental level this is a false dichotomy. If you could zoom in, you would say that basic substance is active in a way that everyday stuff doesn't appear to be.