Full Idea
The truth-making relation can be one-to-one, or many-many. In the latter case, different truths may have the same truth-maker, and one truth may have different truth-makers.
Gist of Idea
The truth-making relation can be one-to-one, or many-to-many
Adolph Rami (Introduction: Truth and Truth-Making [2009], 05)
Book Reference
'Truth and Truth-Making', ed/tr. Lowe,E.J./Rami,A. [Acumen 2009], p.9
A Reaction
'There is at least one cat' obviously has many possible truth-makers. Many statements will be made true by the mere existence of a particular cat (such as 'there is an animal in the room' and 'there is a cat in the room'). Many-many wins?