Full Idea
The 'entailment principle' for truth-makers says that if x is a truth-maker for y, and y entails z, then x is a truth-maker for z.
Gist of Idea
Maybe a truth-maker also works for the entailments of the given truth
Adolph Rami (Introduction: Truth and Truth-Making [2009], 08)
Book Reference
'Truth and Truth-Making', ed/tr. Lowe,E.J./Rami,A. [Acumen 2009], p.25
A Reaction
I think the correct locution is that 'x is a potential truth-maker for z' (should anyone every formulate z, which in most cases they never will, since the entailments of y are probably infinite). Merricks would ask 'but are y and z about the same thing?'.
Related Idea
Idea 14408 Truthmaker needs truths to be 'about' something, and that is often unclear [Merricks]