Single Idea 1902

[catalogued under 5. Theory of Logic / L. Paradox / 7. Paradoxes of Time]

Full Idea

If Socrates died, he died either when he lived or when he died; so he was either dead when he was alive, or he was twice dead when he was dead. So he didn't die.

Gist of Idea

Since Socrates either died when he was alive (a contradiction) or died when he was dead (meaningless), he didn't die


Sextus Empiricus (Outlines of Pyrrhonism [c.180], III.111)

Book Reference

Sextus Empiricus: 'Outlines of Pyrrhonism', ed/tr. Bury,R.G. [Prometheus 1990], p.226

A Reaction

One of my favourites. Of all the mysteries facing us, the one that boggles me most is how anything can happen in the 'present' moment, if the present is just the overlap point between past and future.

Related Idea

Idea 22742 Socrates either dies when he exists (before his death) or when he doesn't (after his death) [Sext.Empiricus]