Single Idea 19077

[catalogued under 3. Truth / D. Coherence Truth / 1. Coherence Truth]

Full Idea

It is unsatisfactory for the coherence relation to be consistency, because two propositions could be consistent with a 'specified set', and yet be inconsistent with each other. That would imply they are both true, which is impossible.

Gist of Idea

Two propositions could be consistent with your set, but inconsistent with one another


James O. Young (The Coherence Theory of Truth [2013], §1)

Book Reference

'Stanford Online Encyclopaedia of Philosophy', ed/tr. Stanford University [], p.1

A Reaction

I'm not convinced by this. You first accept P because it is consistent with the set; then Q turns up, which is consistent with everything in the set except P. So you have to choose between them, and might eject P. Your set was too small.