Single Idea 19400

[catalogued under 7. Existence / A. Nature of Existence / 5. Reason for Existence]

Full Idea

From the conflict of all the possibles demanding existence, this at once follows, that there exists that series of things by which as many of them as possible exist.

Gist of Idea

Possibles demand existence, so as many of them as possible must actually exist


Gottfried Leibniz (Exigency to Exist in Essences [1690], p.91)

Book Reference

Leibniz,Gottfried: 'Leibniz Selections', ed/tr. Wiener,Philip P. [Scribners 1951], p.91

A Reaction

I'm in tune with a lot of Leibniz, but my head swims with this one. He seems to be a Lewisian about possible worlds - that they are concrete existing entities (with appetites!). Could Lewis include Leibniz's idea in his system?