Single Idea 23

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / C. The Good / 1. Goodness / f. Good as pleasure]

Full Idea

The masses…seem - not unreasonably - to believe that the Good or happiness is pleasure.

Gist of Idea

The masses believe, not unreasonably, that the good is pleasure


Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics [c.334 BCE], 1095b15)

Book Reference

Aristotle: 'Ethics (Nicomachean)', ed/tr. ThomsonJ A K/TredennickH [Penguin 1976], p.68

A Reaction

Since Aristotle seems to see the pursuit of understanding, through various types of philosophy, as the supreme good, then this is 'understandable' because the masses lack the education for such a thing.