Single Idea 23154

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / A. Ethics Foundations / 2. Source of Ethics / e. Human nature]

Full Idea

Instinctively we divide mankind into friends and foes - friends, towards whom we have a morality of co-operation; foes, towards whom we have that of competition.

Gist of Idea

We divide mankind into friend and foe, and cooperate with one and compete with the other


Bertrand Russell (Authority and the Individual [1949], 1)

Book Reference

Russell,Bertrand: 'Authority and the Individual' [Unwin 1977], p.16

A Reaction

Interesting, because I have though of cooperation and competition as intrinsic features of people, internal to their nature, but this idea observes that it is more external, as two responses to two sharply distinct aspects of experience.