Single Idea 23719

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / E. Direct Knowledge / 4. Memory]

Full Idea

Forgetfulness is not just a vis inertiae, as superficial people believe, but is rather an active ability to suppress, positive in the strongest sense of the word.


'vis inertiae' is laziness

Gist of Idea

Forgetfulness is a strong positive ability, not mental laziness


Friedrich Nietzsche (On the Genealogy of Morals [1887], II.§01)

Book Reference

Nietzsche,Friedrich: 'On the Genealogy of Morals', ed/tr. Diethe, Carol [CUP 1997], p.35

A Reaction

It is unimpressive when people remember small slights and grievances for a long time - and even being owed small sums - so the ability to forget such things is admirable. But wilfully forgetting some things is obviously shameful.

Related Idea

Idea 23716 A strong rounded person soon forgets enemies, misfortunes, and even misdeeds [Nietzsche]