Full Idea
Damn near everything we know about the world (e.g. a mountain) suggests that unimaginably complicated to-ings and fro-ings of bits and pieces at the extreme microlevel manage somehow to converge on stable macrolevel properties.
Hence if you assemble enough brain, you get consciousness
Gist of Idea
The world is full of messy small things producing stable large-scale properties (e.g. mountains)
Jerry A. Fodor (In a Critical Condition [2000], Ch. 2)
Book Reference
Fodor,Jerry A.: 'In Critical Condition' [MIT 2000], p.21
A Reaction
This is clearly true, and is a vital part of the physicalist picture of the mind. Personally I prefer the word 'processes' to 'properties', since no one seems to really know what a property is. A process is an abstraction from events.