Single Idea 2790

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / E. Direct Knowledge / 4. Memory]

Full Idea

Memory is not solely concerned with the past, let alone one's own past (I remember that I must be in London next week), and need not involve images (2+2=4).

Gist of Idea

I can remember plans about the future, and images aren't essential (2+3=5)


Jonathan Dancy (Intro to Contemporary Epistemology [1985], 12.3)

Book Reference

Dancy,Jonathan: 'Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology' [Blackwell 1985], p.188

A Reaction

I can hardly remember the future, so I presume I am remembering my past commitment to go to London, even if I visualise the future with me in London. The non-necessity of images seems right. I can remember the Mona Lisa without a precise image.