Single Idea 3627

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / C. Rationalism / 1. Rationalism]

Full Idea

A dog certainly makes similar kinds of judgement to your perceiving men by their hats and cloaks when they see their master's hat or clothes, …and they can recognise their master even if he is standing, sitting, lying down, or crouching.

Gist of Idea

Dogs can make the same judgements as us about variable things


comment on René Descartes (Meditations [1641], §2.32) by Pierre Gassendi - Objections to 'Meditations' (Fifth) 272

Book Reference

Descartes,René: 'Meditations on First Philosophy etc.', ed/tr. Cottingham,John [CUP 1986], p.77

Related Idea

Idea 3615 Little reason is needed to speak, so animals have no reason at all [Descartes]