Single Idea 373

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / C. The Good / 3. Pleasure / c. Value of pleasure]

Full Idea

The pleasantness of pleasure is not in dispute, but where we say the majority of pleasures are bad, though some are good, you are attributing goodness to all of them.

Gist of Idea

Pleasure is certainly very pleasant, but it doesn't follow that all pleasures are good


Plato (Philebus [c.354 BCE], 13b)

Book Reference

Plato: 'Philebus', ed/tr. Waterfield,Robin [Penguin 1982], p.54

A Reaction

Bentham's plausible view is that the feeling of pleasure is always good, and the badness is in some other aspect of the event. Compare sadistic fantasy with sadistic action.