Single Idea 4320

[catalogued under 23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 4. External Goods / b. Health]

Full Idea

I'm sure you know the list of human advantages in the party song: 'The very best is health, Second good looks, and third honest wealth'.

Gist of Idea

The popular view is that health is first, good looks second, and honest wealth third


Plato (Gorgias [c.378 BCE], 451e)

Book Reference

Plato: 'Gorgias', ed/tr. Waterfield,Robin [OUP World's Classics 1994], p.11

A Reaction

This invites the obvious question of why anyone wants these three things, with the implied answer of 'pleasure'. But we might want them even if we couldn't use them, implying pluralism.