Single Idea 4882

[catalogued under 18. Thought / D. Concepts / 5. Concepts and Language / b. Concepts are linguistic]

Full Idea

A dog cannot consider its concepts. Concepts are not things in a dog's world in the way that cats are. Concepts are things in our world, because we have language.

Gist of Idea

Concepts are things we (unlike dogs) can think about, because we have language


Daniel C. Dennett (Kinds of Minds [1996], Ch.6)

Book Reference

Dennett,Daniel C.: 'Kinds of Minds' [Phoenix 1997], p.211

A Reaction

Dogs must have concepts, though, or much of their behaviour (like desperation to go for a walk, or to eat) is baffling. This is as good a proposal as I have ever encountered for the value of language. Meta-thought is a huge evolutionary advantage.