Single Idea 5040

[catalogued under 10. Modality / B. Possibility / 5. Contingency]

Full Idea

Derivative truths are of two sorts: some are analysed into original truths, others admit of an infinite process of analysis. The former are necessary, the latter are contingent.

Gist of Idea

Necessary truths can be analysed into original truths; contingent truths are infinitely analysable


Gottfried Leibniz (On Freedom [1689], p.108)

Book Reference

Leibniz,Gottfried: 'Philosophical Writings', ed/tr. Parkinson,G.H.R. [Dent 1973], p.108

A Reaction

An intriguing proposal. Hume would presumably see contingent truths as being analysed until you reach 'impressions'. Analysis of necessary truths soon comes to the blinding light of what is obvious, but analysis of contingency never gets there.