Single Idea 6981

[catalogued under 16. Persons / F. Free Will / 7. Compatibilism]

Full Idea

I find compelling Peter van Ingwagen's argument that because the past is outside our control, and any action fully determined by something outside our control is not free, determinism is inconsistent with free will.

Gist of Idea

Determinism clashes with free will, as the past determines action, and is beyond our control


report of Peter van Inwagen (An Essay on Free Will [1983]) by Frank Jackson - From Metaphysics to Ethics Ch.2

Book Reference

Jackson,Frank: 'From Metaphysics to Ethics' [OUP 2000], p.44

A Reaction

I am puzzled by anyone who even dreamt that full blown free will (very free indeed) could be compatible with the view that past events impose a necessity on future events. So called 'compatibilists' strike me as being determinists.