Full Idea
Levine says the explanatory gap is peculiar to phenomenal states. Once water has been identified with H2O, or temperature with mean kinetic energy, we do not continue to ask why H2O yields water, or why mean kinetic energy yields temperature.
Gist of Idea
Only phenomenal states have an explanatory gap; water is fully explained by H2O
report of Joseph Levine (Purple Haze [2001]) by David Papineau - Thinking about Consciousness 5.1
Book Reference
Papineau,David: 'Thinking about Consciousness' [OUP 2004], p.142
A Reaction
Everything is mysterious if you think about if for long enough. What about a representational gap? Why do those neurons represent that tree (if the neurons aren't tree-shaped)? To understand qualia, we must understand the whole brain, I suspect.